Mel Gibson To Wife "If You Get Raped By A Pack Of N's It's Your Fault" EDIT- AUDIO ON PG 7-8

TXZ wrote:

@ Mel

@ this quote (from another source)
Originally Posted by Mel Gibson

I am going to come and burn the %@#%#!@ house down... but you will blow me first.


lol @ u will blow me first.

that's some g +!$* right there.

what's mel's background though, australianÉ
lol @ u will blow me first.

that's some g +!$* right there.

what's mel's background though, australianÉ
ppl who bring up free speech with something like this dont understand free speech. free speech means the govt wont prosecute him for saying this. public opinion and ppl in society can turn their back on him and mess up his money, though
ppl who bring up free speech with something like this dont understand free speech. free speech means the govt wont prosecute him for saying this. public opinion and ppl in society can turn their back on him and mess up his money, though
You know what I love about this story and every other story about Mel Gibson? This is only the latest story about Mel Gibson that further cements him as the monster people claimed he was (and he denied) when he released his snuff film, The Passion of Christ.


"Anti-semitism is not only contrary to my personal beliefs, it is also contrary to the core message of my movie. The Passion is a film meant to inspire not offend."
Denying claims his 2004 movie 'The Passion of the Christ' is anti-semitic

"%+*$%$! Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?
To police officer James Mee, after arrest for drunken driving in Malibu July 2006
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