Melo Unconcious

JR like "It's my time to shine."
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

I saw this the other night. I just thought it was funny that everybody on the nuggets was looking around like "can we get a timeout" except! for jr smith.......That guy is a genious
So this dude Earl is the designated time-outer on the Nuggets? Nobody else on the team is allowed to call them? I understand the Earl hate and all that junk but some of you dudes cant really be serious.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Why the hell JR Smith not call a timeout?
Biggest idiot of all time. He tried hard as hell to get the basket maneuvering his way around Melo and then when he missed it, he's like, what the hell refs call a timeout. Straight ******.
Why would he fake it though? Come on ...

He clearly hit his neck ... anyone ever hit their neck & it's like a sharp warm feeling throughout?

Maybe what that was.
Ok he definitely wasnt faking. If you really think that your ******ed. Hes passed out for like a minute and a half while basketball is being played a foot from his head. If he was faking he would have atleast got up
JR usin Mels to set a dead man's pick knowing good and well no one is actually gonna step ON dude.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

IDK whether to believe he was really hurt (wasn't even grimacing while laying down) or if he was just full of %$+% tryin' to show em up.
People don't make faces when they're knocked out.
The thing is, its Swish. He made the same move he would have made if it was 5 on 5.
iono whas so funny about this ... coach should have slapped the ref ... j.r. messed up but thas 90% on the refs ... dude never moved ...
@ nba refs
Shouldnt Melo be called for 3 seconds laying in the key that long?

Also....People with mental disabilities like JR Smith sometimes have trouble with reading emotions and injuries of others.
Originally Posted by parasight21

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

There is no injury timeout rule in the NBA. The refs can't call a timeout for them.

Yes, but can't they stop the game though? They stop the game if there's a players bleeding even a little bit for a 'safety' reason, right? Damn shame at everyone not responding quickly when he went down like that. Who knows? We could've seen another Hank Gathers. Stupid 'Earl' Smith looking like putting a blame on Melo for his traveling 
No. The team has to call a timeout or stop play by committing a foul. The ref gave them a chance, they could have called timeout before he handed the ball to Jeff Green, but after that it was too late.

And I really do believe Melo that he fainted for a minute. I've seen guys throw tantrums and +%#% but when he went down, he didn't even move or get up after his team got the ball (like Wade does all the time), nor when he was about to get stepped on, plus when they were tending to him he was completely unresponsive for a while before finally coming to. Then he went to the locker room for 5 minutes (looked really upset and dazed) and came back and finished the game.

In fact, the whole ordeal lasted way longer than the highlight shows made it appear. I mean both benches cleared and everybody was over there standing around him, before he finally got up.

And again everybody, ANYBODY for Denver could have called a timeout, including people on the bench and the coaches. Hating on JR Smith at this point for not calling one is stupid.

He didn't even have his eyes open. I don't think somebody would fake being injured but have so much disregard for potentially really getting injured that they don't even keep their eyes open and look around to make sure nobody's about to step on them, like he just wanted to catch some quick Z's
- JR Smith is a MORON.......

- from the title i thought this was a thread with a link to vid of Melo putting the lights out on guys in the FIBA championships/Olympics
 - we need a gif of the closeup of Melo on the floor while everyone is walking by......
JR is ******ed for trying to score whilst maneuvering around Melo. That said, the refs definitely should have stopped played. This just looks silly - a guy knocked out on the floor, but the game is progressing as per usual.
That +@@@ is inexcusable of the REFS to not call off the play. I don't care if they think he is playing "possum." You can't take that chance. You're in control of the game. Do something about it.
They should have done like they do in soccer - one of the Thunder should have thrown the ball out of play, then the Nuggets should inbound the ball and give it straight back to the Thunder.
You can forgive the refs for thinking that it was just his way of protesting the call, like Rasheed used to do:



people need to leave JR alone on this one.. everyone else on the Nuggets could have called a timeout and failed to do so
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