Memory Lane Vol. What type of Lunch Hour student were you?

Originally Posted by Pmighty

elementary school- straight football. if that wasnt shakin then it was tag or somethin similar
middle school- football still, nothin much changed

i did the same junk for elem & middle school, but high school was all about staying in the auto shop all day and leaving whenever the hell i wanted to goget burritos or coffee or whatever
i'd stroll into 1st period with frappuccinos like 30 min late and teacher wouldnt say a word cuz he needed me more than i needed him
Elementary school- We used to always sit in the back of the lunchroom. Idk why. I always had a cold lunch. I brought my own lunch everyday. Mom hooked it up.
4th Grade I remember we sat with the 6th grade boys that we liked and who liked us.
good times.

Middle School- I always sat with the girls I rolled with. I played basketball and most of us all were on the basketball team, we sat together along with theboys who were really close to us. 7th and 8th grade.

HS- We all played ball and we would all sit together most of the time along with the boys we knew from middle school. (Jamar was my fav, he used to steal thefood and share his sugar cookies all the time),
11th and 12th grade I was only in school part of the day and would eat lunch on the go to my off campus classes.
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