Men Are More Satisfied By ‘Bromances’ Than Their Romantic Relationships, Study Says

SIKE! Most these dudes act like feminine, emotional whiners anyway...

So why not just hang with women? If I wann be around emotional people all day, I’m hanging with my ladies. Not no dude.

I got one homeboy that ain’t family. Only males I hang with are family members. Lame article
Men in the study also said it was easier to overcome conflicts and share their emotions—like when a grandparent dies—with their guy friends, and to discuss sensitive health information. 28 out of 30 said they would prefer to discuss personal matters with a bromance than a romance. “If I found a lump on my testicle, I’d talk to [my bromance] rather than my girlfriend,” one interviewee said.

I find a lot of women these days to be straight up mean quite frankly. It's become popular in girl world to air men out in their vulnerable moments on social media for likes and cool points from other women. So I can understand some dudes just not relaxing that much around even their own s/o.
I feel bad for dudes who don’t have that group of guy friends. I’m talking since grade school and well all married with kids now in our 30s/ but still hang out. I couldn’t picture my life with out these guys.

I also couldn’t picture my life with out my wife and what her relationships brings to me:

Balance is everything.
i think the words they are using are tripping people up but i got a lot of close homies i consider brothers.
i don't value the relationship more than the one i have with my lady though or vice versa

and to the comment someone made about having 2 friends they've known over 20 years.
i know a lot of people with longer marriages than that
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I don't know about 'intimate' but nothing wrong with having a good male friend, especially if you have the same outlooks on life:

-being religious or non-religious (whatever you happen to be)
-enjoys the same sports and teams
-same hobbies and interests (music, gaming, collecting stuff, etc)
-same sense of humor
-discuss all your female problems, maybe even get you a hook up if your game is whack at the moment.
-muscle back-up if you're about to get in a confrontation

Yeah a lot of these you aren't going to get with a woman unless she's 'perfect' or stud. Both have their place in your life.

Had a few good friends back in the days I used to run with, unfortunately time and life responsibilities pull you apart.
and to the comment someone made about having 2 friends they've known over 20 years.
i know a lot of people with longer marriages than that

I feel bad for dudes who don’t have that group of guy friends. I’m talking since grade school and well all married with kids now in our 30s/ but still hang out. I couldn’t picture my life with out these guys.

I also couldn’t picture my life with out my wife and what her relationships brings to me:

Balance is everything.
Cheers to balance and **** this article
I find a lot of women these days to be straight up mean quite frankly. It's become popular in girl world to air men out in their vulnerable moments on social media for likes and cool points from other women. So I can understand some dudes just not relaxing that much around even their own s/o.

Bruh, what kind of man are you, to post this? “Women are mean” , “air men out on social media”? You sounding really weak bro.
I feel bad for dudes who don’t have that group of guy friends. I’m talking since grade school and well all married with kids now in our 30s/ but still hang out. I couldn’t picture my life with out these guys.

I also couldn’t picture my life with out my wife and what her relationships brings to me:

Balance is everything.

i think the words they are using are tripping people up but i got a lot of close homies i consider brothers.
i don't value the relationship more than the one i have with my lady though or vice versa

and to the comment someone made about having 2 friends they've known over 20 years.
i know a lot of people with longer marriages than that

I don't know about 'intimate' but nothing wrong with having a good male friend, especially if you have the same outlooks on life:

-being religious or non-religious (whatever you happen to be)
-enjoys the same sports and teams
-same hobbies and interests (music, gaming, collecting stuff, etc)
-same sense of humor
-discuss all your female problems, maybe even get you a hook up if your game is whack at the moment.
-muscle back-up if you're about to get in a confrontation

Yeah a lot of these you aren't going to get with a woman unless she's 'perfect' or stud. Both have their place in your life.

Had a few good friends back in the days I used to run with, unfortunately time and life responsibilities pull you apart.

All great points

In general, I am sure people have more fun with their same sexed friends than their mates. This goes both ways, men and women. You Just different types of relationships with your boys than you do with your girl.
That agenda real in the field. Experiennt is deeply flawed. 30 dudes all white, sans one minority ? How is that even funded at a school or whatever?

Article is just weird yo.
“People are mean”
“People air each other out on social media”

Why are we making this a, "Gender A does it more than/Just as much as Gender B" type of thing?
One of the things you learn as an adult are some of these words are just buzz words to say these men are "bi". We no longer live in the 60s where you have to be downlow. Growing spending time with the boys was playing sports, on bad weather days we would play video games. Had one friend that tried to introduce the idea of us "playing" with each other.. He had to find another group of friends... Now when I hear about men who like to hang out and do non physical activities immediately it makes me think they're bi
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