Mental health and therapy - y'all up on game?

Only way to get anti-psychotic meds is thru a therapist so yeah gotta be on your game.
I realize the ones I do share with I limit what I share (you tough right?). I'll look into this at some point in the future as part of overall health.
well, I write, so I guess it's kinda the same thing.

not that I've lived the hardest life, but after reading this thread, I feel fortunate to have an outlet to work through the various issues all humans who have time enough to think about it have.

sometimes I'll sit and write out my plans, my goals, my experiences and my feelings. evaluate them later, or maybe just find the humor in it.

maybe I've always been my own psychiatrist.

I kinda don't see how anyone else could declusterboink my mind were it to become thusly ******, so I know traditional therapy would be a waste of time for me even in the gravest scenarios, but then again I can't speak for the mindset or experiences of any other person.

what I will say is that I hope everyone can find an equally effective method of stress prevention.

thanks for the opportunity to do that.
I can honestly say, I had a rough year and went through serious depression. Hopefully 2017 will be a better year!
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Been seriously thinking about going to therapy. I've had a crappy last few months and I'm tired of feeling the way I do. I've been searching on my insurance website but it's been pretty useless. I'll probably have to call and find out where I can go and what's covered and whatnot.
I'm afraid to have people close to me because I'm afraid of being a bad friend or showing them i'm a bad person.
Workplace just switched healthcare carriers

I'm looking into therapy -- I really need it now more than ever
Journaling is very therapeutic

I tell all my clients its the best coping skill.

Tell all my boys its like writing a rap.
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