Miami doctor throws fit when Uber driver refuses to give her a lift

Whether ur a man or a woman, if you act like this to people u should have the taste knocked out your mouth. Bet she wouldnt act like this if somebody called her on her **** once in a while.


I think people have gotten a little too comfortable behaving badly in society. The idea of a quick smack to the face or a 3 piece would fix a lot of that bad behavior.
We just have too many scumbags like this lady running around. Taking a swing at someone you don't know.
After watching that clip, i dont care who she is. She should be held accountable for her actions. Just because she is in a specialized field gives her no entitlement. That whole scene was a joke and i dam n well wouldnt want that nut job working on me if i needed help. Whatever her job title, she is a medical practitioner which carries a great deal of responsibility. **** with that we all make mistakes. Thats serious poor judgement in someone who holds down a very high profile job.
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Men shouldn't hit women. That's the double standard we live by. It is what it is. It's just like calling a girl a ***** if she sleeps with lots of guys. But when guys do da man!! Crazy world we live in.

Sorry fam but I'm clapping a *****'s beak back like Daffy Duck
not saying shes a dime or anything but lord knows id smash
who is your avatar?
in retrospect , this girl needs to be held accountable because of how i said i would be treated if i did the same thing in brickell or even better , let a NT THICK girl do this and see the end result. naw fam i wouldnt give this girl any attention or smash she probably gets told yes by everything and everyone so thats why she freaked out on the uber driver , as men we need to start holding these girls accountable .......i legit chilled around 3 homegirls this past week that were legit serious in explaining that theyre entitled and dont need to work because since theyre pretty/good looking ,  guys will pay everything for them ,and for the record there are people LINING UP to be these girls sponsors or as one even put it "so many guys at my toes" 
sick.gif homegirl even calls the plugs and always has to say "its _________ (ig/twitter handle)" and then they say "ohh wusup".........i dont want to sound like the lay down and rot crew on the misc but its getting out of hand , i still believe in a few "good" girls being left as far as not using drugs / not looking to be endorsed/sponsored.....but then the 80/20 rule applies .
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on another note , shes probably like this with everyone ....just the fact that it was late , in brickell which is business during the day and party at night ........without ANY friends to stop her from doing this or even better.....give her a ride....says a lot about the girl to be honest , like i said i can almost gaurantee this girl is a straight up ***** and on xanax and coke . i would bet my bottom dollar on the coke and xanax part .
I asked awhile back, how does pressing charges work? If a crime was committed on camera, why is she allowed to pay off the driver? Seems like an arrest and civil payment should be happening. Why is the driver allowed to dictate what gets reported and what doesn't.

Sadly I hear of many cases where less fortunate people end up doing stupid stuff and the District attorney makes it a point to prosecute them to the fullest extent b of the law even though the victims no longer want to press charges.
I have said many times that she should be handle accordingly to the crime she has committed, but not lose her job.

However, she should be force to take a rehab or some AAA courses.

She is a doctor, she already showed bad judgment. Who's to say she wouldn't do that at work?

Furthermore for the hard cord campers, what if she would of have drove and killed someone?

BTW, if she does get fired. I can understand. This is not the type of media a company wants. Especially a hospital. Who wants to be label as the place they encourage or allow drunken workers, doctors for that.
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I asked awhile back, how does pressing charges work? If a crime was committed on camera, why is she allowed to pay off the driver? Seems like an arrest and civil payment should be happening. Why is the driver allowed to dictate what gets reported and what doesn't.

Sadly I hear of many cases where less fortunate people end up doing stupid stuff and the District attorney makes it a point to prosecute them to the fullest extent b of the law even though the victims no longer want to press charges.
She was never arrested so there's nothing prosecutors can do unless the victim wanted to press charges.
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