Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

OK I read what you typed again

and I'll tell you the same thing.... CNN > TMZ

Face it man, the boy hood idle is gone. I trust a source that is known for celebrity news thats based in LA rather than CNN whos main responsibility is not tofollow celebs
CNN is trying to find out independently.

but ABC, CBS, LA Times, MSNBC are all reporting he has died...

no way man. i'm in disbelief. i'm still hoping it's not true...

I never wish death on no man but with that said, Im conflicted cus Death is finality. I wont cry over Mike Passing, I feel for his fam.
Mike was human, he had faults just like I do.

I aint gonna front like Im not a total fan of his music, cus I am. I LOVE Mike's Music... Im just not a fan of him the person. I have no problem seperatingthe two.

I will miss his entertainment
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