Michael Moore is the man

since when does being a hypocrite invalidate everything you say or believe in?

i feel a big reason a lot of people don't like the guy is because he points out things people don't want to believe. they may be true or they may befabrications, but when some people hear an opposing point of view, they get defensive
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

what is michael moore supposed to do? make documentaries via camcorder and hold bonfire screenings in his backyard and give out free hugs? come on, fam.. this is america. unfortunately, the only way to have your voice heard by the masses is through mass distribution, and if you distribute a film, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE MONEY.
Mass distribution? Hmmmm funny how certain documentaries are freely shared through this mass distribution medium called youtube.

The film's premiere opened at New York's Lincoln Center. This theater was largely funded by those groups Moore chastised in the movie.

Then there was this after party at two luxurious penthouse suites in Soho sponsored by Esquire.

Anti-Capitalism uhuh!? What a Hypocrite
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

what is michael moore supposed to do? make documentaries via camcorder and hold bonfire screenings in his backyard and give out free hugs? come on, fam.. this is america. unfortunately, the only way to have your voice heard by the masses is through mass distribution, and if you distribute a film, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE MONEY.
Mass distribution? Hmmmm funny how certain documentaries are freely shared through this mass distribution medium called youtube.

The film's premiere opened at New York's Lincoln Center. This theater was largely funded by those groups Moore chastised in the movie.

Then there was this after party at two luxurious penthouse suites in Soho sponsored by Esquire.

Anti-Capitalism uhuh!? What a Hypocrite

Thank you.
A rich fat guy who hates capitalism...


Makes a lot of sense.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

what is michael moore supposed to do? make documentaries via camcorder and hold bonfire screenings in his backyard and give out free hugs? come on, fam.. this is america. unfortunately, the only way to have your voice heard by the masses is through mass distribution, and if you distribute a film, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE MONEY.
Mass distribution? Hmmmm funny how certain documentaries are freely shared through this mass distribution medium called youtube.

The film's premiere opened at New York's Lincoln Center. This theater was largely funded by those groups Moore chastised in the movie.

Then there was this after party at two luxurious penthouse suites in Soho sponsored by Esquire.

Anti-Capitalism uhuh!? What a Hypocrite

Thank you.
alright, let's stop playing devil's advocate and use logic:

what is the easiest way to have the masses hear your opinion? youtube or nationwide tv stations and cinemas? please, fam.. youtube documentaries haveabsolutely 0 credibility. 90% of them are made by some cornball conspiracy theorist with too much time on his hands and not enough hobbies. the only way toraise awareness the proper way is through commercializing your product. all of this grassroots stuff y'all are shouting is unrealistic.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

what is michael moore supposed to do? make documentaries via camcorder and hold bonfire screenings in his backyard and give out free hugs? come on, fam.. this is america. unfortunately, the only way to have your voice heard by the masses is through mass distribution, and if you distribute a film, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE MONEY.
Mass distribution? Hmmmm funny how certain documentaries are freely shared through this mass distribution medium called youtube.

The film's premiere opened at New York's Lincoln Center. This theater was largely funded by those groups Moore chastised in the movie.

Then there was this after party at two luxurious penthouse suites in Soho sponsored by Esquire.

Anti-Capitalism uhuh!? What a Hypocrite

Thank you.
alright, let's stop playing devil's advocate and use logic:

what is the easiest way to have the masses hear your opinion? youtube or nationwide tv stations and cinemas? please, fam.. youtube documentaries have absolutely 0 credibility. 90% of them are made by some cornball conspiracy theorist with too much time on his hands and not enough hobbies. the only way to raise awareness the proper way is through commercializing your product. all of this grassroots stuff y'all are shouting is unrealistic.
he could always set up a non-profit. Run his movies through it, get the message out and truly mean it. Why would he though, he loves to profit offof other's misery. Columbine, 9/11, economic downturn...moore can't wait for another tragic event.
Isn't it ironic how all the people protesting are the fat and lazy ones?

How is walking in the street protesting going to help themselves one bit?

It's not. They just keep complaining without actually implementing a solution.
DownyBoy wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Kallie Loc

DownyBoy wrote:
Originally Posted by J Burner

Michael Moore is one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet, ya'll are morons for listening to anything this guy puts out.

pretty much all that needs to be said. you always have to question someone who profits off of "informing" the masses.

hmmm but how so??
Hmmm...lets see, he makes a documentary condemning capitalism, then puts it out in movie theaters so he can charge everyone to go see it, so he can make millions of dollars off of it in our capitalist market. He was on Bill Maher's show the other day complaining that people who don't agree with Obama need to "shut up and let the president do his job." Now lets replace Obama with Bush, and republican protestors with democrat protestors, you think this idiot would be out there telling them to "shut up and let Bush do his job." Of course not, he'd be out there with a video camera trying to figure out how he can make a few million off of it....he's such a joke, I can't believe people actually listen to this guy.

- so tell us, who should we listen to?


.......it was a rhetorical question

- i myself enjoy listening to NPR. however i do tune into Rush, The Schnitt Show, Michael Savage, Kieth Olberman, and Rachael Maddow as well (to keep up withsome current events). Rush and Savage? i listen to them 3-5 times a week to and from lunch and home.

- thanks for the link but it was a question for JBurner to answer since i knew he would come running to this thread to say exactly what he said. ofcourse...we're idiots for listening to Michael Moore according to JBurner
. but dodges the question about who he thinks is safe to listen to

- this right here is hilarious though: "^^You should do your own damn research, and make up your own mind, come to your own conclusions." riiiight
, so in a thread where people are doing justthat he cant resist chiming in to call them morons for doing so
. then back peddles on what he really thinks, dont worry JBurner, i see you

....JBurner is the typical conservative (i work with one that is very vocal about it as well). they have these opinions but nothing solid (that makes sense) toback them up. and dont dare try to bring and logic into the debate
, orask for sources of their info, you'll either be ignored (online) or told to seek out the info on your own. WHY? because alll they can do is regurgitate somuch information once you try to get down to the science of their stance its too much, so they alwasy revert back to the same responses, we've seen thismovie before (TBONE, Fede anyone?

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Lazy B

You left wingers BELIEVE anything this moron releases. Its hilarious to be honest that you guys are this gullible. He's the Paris Hilton of documentaries. Hell, even the left has slammed this film. He lost this time.

ask yourself WHY the left and right both slammed the film. When do they ever get together and criticize the same person? I havn't seen the movie but i'm assuming he showed exactly why CERTAIN companies were bailed out while others failed. It was no coincidence. Lobbyists and connections on both sides when it comes to the $$$

And yes you should take his movies with a huge grain of salt, excluding bowling for columbine.

- NO! they'd rather just ignore him completely, instead of thinking about it logically like you just did.

@ not listening/watching a movie because whoever made it is aso-called hypocrite

- i havent seen any of his movies except Bowling, but of course ill be called a liberal or leftist, what i am is me. i find giving yourself or your thoughts abrand name is childish and lame. i dont align myself with either one, im me.

- i could care less about Michael Moore either way. but bowling for columbine was a good, informative, unbiased movie. too bad its people like this that are soblinded by hate for the guy to even understand what the movie was trying to say


- semi-long story about the first time i seen Bowling for Columbine and met/understood what a conservative was.....

.....i used to work at Radio Shack. the particular one i worked at didnt get much business and there was only me and one other employee that worked there everyday. so we mostly watched TV all day. since we sold DirecTV we had access to all channels. me and the other employee had a pretty good working relationship, weused to talk about everything (while watching TV). so one day the TV was on one of the movie channels and Bowling comes on. i wasnt paying attention at thetime, next thing i knew mid conversation dude walks all the way across the room and starts staring out of the window.

i was confused as hell. so i attempted to start back on our conversation again. and dude let me know as long as that movie was on he would not go anywher nearthe TV.
, i was shocked, im like DAMN my man? is it thatserious? but dude seriously had a look on his face like he wanted to blow the TV up. i found it hilarious. the TV just happened to be on thechannel, i didnt put it there, so i left it.....he took an early lunch

the dude i worked with was a big gun nut. he thought the movie was bashing guns or gun enthusiasts, which it wasnt exactly, i mean (from the movie)Michael Moore is a member of the NRA, and was trying to find answers as to why our country is looked at as more violent. andacutally his stance was that it had nothing to do with guns. but my coworker was too blind to even attempt to find out on his own. dudestraight up walked across the room, folded his arms and looked out the window like a little kid.

.....and that was my first time meeting a hard core conservative. and every last one ive met since acts the same way.
^haha. Yeah some people act like michael moore ate their children or something.
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