Michael Vick interview with NT's own ROCKDEEP

Did you enjoy the interview or didnt change your perception about him?

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  • I haven't changed my negative perception of MV7

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  • Didn't like the Interview at all.

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  • Really liked the interview

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  • Interview could have been better.

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I don't remember the whole story behind it....probably occurred during one of my extended hatius'. I remember almost going to one of the summits at his crib when I was going to school in Richmond.

Appears like it hasn't been resolved still to this day though.
Bruh.. if you are claiming I threatened you you'd be talking about the wrong person. I never need to scam or threaten anyone.

My life is a pretty good one.....and lil youngin got his 15 minutes of fame... but Im the one doing tv and radio. I never lost sleep over him, the thread or those who had their pitchforks.

NT is full of followers and clowns with nothing better to do.. but there are the good ones... I've given more to this site than most of you will ever take from it.

Get your facts game up champ. Stick to the topic or buy some kicks..

Kids not allowed cuz...

Haters gonna hate.
Why would I make that up though?  I have nothing to gain from talking **** about you.  I'm not promoting my brand.  I'm not promoting my radio/TV work.  I'm just a dude on NT, and yes, you did send me a threatening PM.  

You say you don't need to scam or threaten anyone.  Oh word?  So you didn't scam buddy way back when?  Did that ever get resolved?  And you didn't post up in a pic w/ a heater and a sneaker?  So posing with guns is just for fun, or was that meant as a signal that you're 'bout that life?  Be honest. 

Personally, I don't give a **** about your radio/TV career.  Good for you--I like seeing dudes succeed.  But stop acting like people are gonna forget about you scamming dude because it DID happen.  All the good you've done for NT is cool and appreciated, but stop acting like a pompous *** in denial.  There's a reason you're no longer Rockdeep and we know why.

And this has nothing to do with hate, sir.  It has everything to do with folks calling you out your name, and rightfully so.  Other scammers get heckled on this site, so I'm not sure why you think you'd be any different.  Get off your own **** for a minute and be honest with yourself--you ****** up and NT doesn't forget.  Simple as that.  
Why would I make that up though?  I have nothing to gain from talking **** about you.  I'm not promoting my brand.  I'm not promoting my radio/TV work.  I'm just a dude on NT, and yes, you did send me a threatening PM.  

You say you don't need to scam or threaten anyone.  Oh word?  So you didn't scam buddy way back when?  Did that ever get resolved?  And you didn't post up in a pic w/ a heater and a sneaker?  So posing with guns is just for fun, or was that meant as a signal that you're 'bout that life?  Be honest. 

Personally, I don't give a **** about your radio/TV career.  Good for you--I like seeing dudes succeed.  But stop acting like people are gonna forget about you scamming dude because it DID happen.  All the good you've done for NT is cool and appreciated, but stop acting like a pompous *** in denial.  There's a reason you're no longer Rockdeep and we know why.

And this has nothing to do with hate, sir.  It has everything to do with folks calling you out your name, and rightfully so.  Other scammers get heckled on this site, so I'm not sure why you think you'd be any different.  Get off your own **** for a minute and be honest with yourself--you ****** up and NT doesn't forget.  Simple as that.  

Insightful. Thanks.
Should have asked about the biggest crime of all involving Mike Vick. How the hell was he so fast in Madden? I would all out blitz and still couldn't catch him on the roll out. Still mad...>:
Nice Fluff piece.

Even after all the things that transpired, I never knew about all the details till some dude had the thread on his sig.
I wont comment on hearsay cause it's always objectionable, but that pic that was posted is damning to say the least.

Either way the interview sucked, but good luck on your show.
Thanks Trife.. you've brought so much clarity and I dont mind those who dont support me. I'll be fine trust me.. I'll send you thank you notes.

As for asking Vick about the Dog stuff.. thats long and over. Get at Jim Rome for those types of interviews.

When you see the wink and a nod it'll be from the Clown to you silly dudes who swear you are NTs Thug gang lol.. yet are the same one's who would try and threaten someone but.. I never remember anyone showing up to the crib to be a Champion for said accuser.

Yeah those dudes..

Thanks and goodnight.
LOL. Deflect, deflect, deflect. Never answer direct questions. Insult those who dare to challenge the Rocky. And when all else fails, stroke your ego by mentioning or alluding to your career and how you're doing big things, as if that somehow absolves you from scamming buddy.

No wonder so many NTers are sweating you, right?
RD was a major help on this site for a long time and he helped me out bunch of times and personally I don't think he's this bad guy you all perceive him to be. Something about the incident seems way off but hey. *Shrug*

As for the interview, hey I think that's the best you can get from him post Dogfighting chapter part of his career. The fact that y'all could get him on your show considering the off again, on again status of your show is damn good. I hope y'all can get RG3 on soon. I'm listening when I can. Peace.
RD was a major help on this site for a long time

Emphasis on "WAS." No doubts he was a major asset to NT just like plenty of past members who have come and gone over the years. However he should not be given a pass for using his reputation here on NT to SCAM another member.

Someone grave dig that thread and post it here and members should judge for themselves.
RD was a major help on this site for a long time

Emphasis on "WAS." No doubts he was a major asset to NT just like plenty of past members who have come and gone over the years. However he should not be given a pass for using his reputation here on NT to SCAM another member.

Someone grave dig that thread and post it here and members should judge for themselves.

True indeed. Just like Joe Paternao WAS a great football coach, but nobody will focus on that with the horrible decisions he made regarding Sandusky.
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