Michelle Jenneke's Hurdle Warmup

Show me where anyone said her butt was FLAT. Again, just because she doesn't have MASS doesn't mean someone is calling it FLAT.
Mass = Massive A**.
I thought that is what it meant. Maybe I am wrong.

So it has nothing to do with a nice proportioned backside. No. That isn't what it means.
what mass does she possess?
pls respond.
Which negates your previous statement. Super AWG. Anything excites NT virgins.
The mass ain't phat but she's shaped well enough to work with (IMO). Average but smashable white girl.
That isn't saying that it is flat dude. It just means that she does not have a MASSIVE A**. Which MASS is. Combination of the words MASSIVE and A**.

She does not have that. So it should not have been mentioned.

She has a cute lil butt, yea that is true. But mass? No. It isn't even arguable.

That doesn't mean anyone is calling it FLAT.

READ. 8)
yall are something else. girl is an Olympic athlete and shes average?!?!?!?!?!?????? you cant be serious :smh:
yall are something else. girl is an Olympic athlete and shes average?!?!?!?!?!?????? you cant be serious :smh:
What the hell does her being an olympian have to do with her overall rating? :lol:

She is aight but those two things have nothing to do with each other. There are some weak female olympians out there man
What the hell does her being an olympian have to do with her overall rating? :lol:
She is aight but those two things have nothing to do with each other. There are some weak female olympians out there man

fine girl who works at burger king is a 10??? just asking. i take everything into account, complete package type deal, not just looks
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fine girl who works at burger king is a 10??? just asking. i take everything into account, complete package type deal, not just looks
Man we are simply talking about looks here. That is all this is about. Forget all of the side attributes. We are talking about looks.

But A girl can be a Olympian and still be WEAK. Being a Olympian doesn't mean you can't be weak.
If anyone had to come to a conclusion using context clues, those responses would indicate that one is insinuating her *** is flat. 
If anyone had to come to a conclusion using context clues, those responses would indicate that one is insinuating her *** is flat. 
Yea if you believe that there are only two levels of butt plumpness.

Mass and Flat.

If your butt pokedex only has those two characteristics, then maybe I can see what you are saying.

But again, NO. Nobody said it was flat.
 This guy is a ******g contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian ...lets just agree to disagree
Why is there always a debate about MASS? Like that is the one dividing characteristic in a girl for NT. I have never seen a thread where people are arguing about any other feature. :nerd:
And for what its worth, she's still not the hottest woman hurdler. That title still goes to Lolo imo.



Lol, you guys and "the mass"

Her bum is gorgeous -plus she's got a great smile. I felt like a snake being charmed watching that vid -absolutely mesmerizing 
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That isn't saying that it is flat dude. It just means that she does not have a MASSIVE A**. Which MASS is. Combination of the words MASSIVE and A**.

She does not have that. So it should not have been mentioned.

She has a cute lil butt, yea that is true. But mass? No. It isn't even arguable.

That doesn't mean anyone is calling it FLAT.

I always thought "mass" was used in the physics sense.  Like, her butt has a lot of mass to it, and so she has mass back there.
I always thought "mass" was used in the physics sense.  For example, her backside has a nice amount of mass to it, therefore she has "mass".

Didn't know it meant what DC defined it as.

Btw golfinguru, that first pic you posted of the girl in the bikini isn't Michelle.  It's the swimmer Stephanie Rice, Kobe's Olympic object of affection.
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Why is there always a debate about MASS? Like that is the one dividing characteristic in a girl for NT. I have never seen a thread where people are arguing about any other feature. :nerd:
That's just how it is around here. A girl could be attractive and people will put her down saying she has as small butt. Nothing she can really do about it except do squats and lunges.
That's just how it is around here. A girl could be attractive and people will put her down saying she has as small butt. Nothing she can really do about it except do squats and lunges.
Yea but nobody put her down because of it. She has what she has. You dudes love morphing folks words
Lolo isn't even all that to begin with, She looks manly and disgusting.

NT thick = Fat. :lol:
She is aight. I was gonna say, she better win after her little cute routine.

There are plenty of other Olympians that would catch it before her.
That little shimmy was pretty cute and attractive, not sure why all this is going on. Too much insecure dudes on here try way too hard to prove how cool they are, for no reason because its the internet, it wont change what has/did happen in your life, and your lameness oozes through no matter how hard you try. The more of you "I wanna come off as too cool" mother ******* that post, the less I wanna be on NT.
That little shimmy was pretty cute and attractive, not sure why all this is going on. Too much insecure dudes on here try way too hard to prove how cool they are, for no reason because its the internet, it wont change what has/did happen in your life, and your lameness oozes through no matter how hard you try. The more of you "I wanna come off as too cool" mother ******* that post, the less I wanna be on NT.

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