Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (Reboot Announced)

They are fighting aliens, I'm glad they addressed that :smokin

Teenagers going toe to toe with putties getting washed and coming out undamagef. That was more unrealistic then this.

I'm All In!

Yep. I always wondered how they were abole to manage. They addressed it in the first movie I think with those ninja suits but I haven't seen that one in a while.

Looks good so far
Are they going to let them say its morphin time??
Just likr not letting cap say avengers assemble
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Random thoughts..

- I don't know what to think about them having powers without having to morph. Something I'll just have to get used to
- I really don't care about the look of the suits anymore, I just hope the CGI on them look good
- Seems like they're tapping into a Chronicle x Breakfast Club tone, which I don't mind, just as long it's only for the first act or two
- Anyone else forget that the black dude is the blue ranger? Kept wondering why he was acting like Billy in this. :lol:

In short, it was a well put together teaser. It gets me excited for the next trailer and hopeful for the actual film.
I'm also kinda mad that we finally got an Asian playing the cool role of the group and he got no screen time for the trailer

Better not be reflective of the movie
I expected a more serious tone. If they can jump super high and break porcelain sinks what's the point of the suits? :lol: looked ok though
Kids are going to love this. They should have just used this to start a new series with a different name.
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] that trailer was better than I expected but rangers having powers outside of morphing is ridiculous. The original squad was about that action. They spent days training at the Juice Bar to be able to defeat Rita.
The trailer isn't something I recognize as Power Rangers.

With that said it was okay. They going for that teen angst, outcast/losers who find a purpose type thing.

Would've liked it to end with Zordon's and Alpha 5's voices "Aiyi yi yi....." "RANGERS WE NEED YOUR HELP."
Chronicles 2
Yes I sensed some of that vibe, in fact the whole premise/set up is exactly the same as Chronicle with HSers finding alien **** that gives them powers but I don't think it'll get Dana DeHaan dark (unless the green ranger is in it).
The power coins were just supposed to enhance their agility, instincts, fighting, etc. Wasn't expecting full blown powers without the suit. :lol:
I'll watch this, but I'm not paying for it.
The original rangers were losers in the spectrum of high school popularity. I'm all for nostalgia but take these rosey colored sunglasses most of you are wearing about your childhood love of this show.
The original rangers were losers in the spectrum of high school popularity. I'm all for nostalgia but take these rosey colored sunglasses most of you are wearing about your childhood love of this show.

The only loser on the original squad was Billy. Everyone else was extremely popular. Kim and Tommy were shoe ins for class president, Jason, Tommy and Zack were all on the football team, etc.
Cool kids weren't running for Class President back in the 90s. The class bullies, even though they consistently failed, were constantly picking on the Rangers.

The Rangers were into the environment, starting up cleaning drives, and other random geek like clubs. Those are kids you always looked at funny and thought were weird in high school. These guys just so happened to have cool powers attached to them.
Na I agree. The only loser was Billy.

On another note, idk why the setting has to be a boring tiny town in the middle of nowhere. Feels like 6 out of every ten times that's the setting for the movie. :lol:

The og Angel Grove was a bigger place with a downtown.

What are the giant monsters going to wreck this time around :nerd:
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The only loser on the original squad was Billy. Everyone else was extremely popular. Kim and Tommy were shoe ins for class president, Jason, Tommy and Zack were all on the football team, etc.

How did Trini fit in the whole thing? :lol:
After watching the trailer ten time, I've decided anyone not married to the concept of the og series could like this movie.

At this point, I just want the movie to be balanced and not be dominated by just Jason and Kimberly like the trailer seems to be indicating.
The only loser on the original squad was Billy. Everyone else was extremely popular. Kim and Tommy were shoe ins for class president, Jason, Tommy and Zack were all on the football team, etc.

Lol fam said the OG rangers were losers. Tommy, Jason and Zack were the starting QB, RB and WR respectively :stoneface:

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