Military In Bahrain Opens Fire On Demonstrators (VERY GRAPHIC)

Originally Posted by KenJi714

These people have no fear of death. No wonder there are so many suicide bomber in this region of the world
Well, they believe that for whichever cause they are fighting for, they will literally die for it. It is the culture of martyrdom.

As for the video, how sickening and abominable. I wonder how the U.S. would handle this one. They are allies with Bahrain, and the protesters happen to be the Arab Shiite Muslims who are against the Sunni led royal monarchy. The Shiite population is also backed by the Iranian regime.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

These people have no fear of death. No wonder there are so many suicide bomber in this region of the world
Well, they believe that for whichever cause they are fighting for, they will literally die for it. It is the culture of martyrdom.

As for the video, how sickening and abominable. I wonder how the U.S. would handle this one. They are allies with Bahrain, and the protesters happen to be the Arab Shiite Muslims who are against the Sunni led royal monarchy. The Shiite population is also backed by the Iranian regime.
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