Jan 30, 2008
anyone use this site?

what are your likes and dislikes about it

currently I am using quicken, but I am thinking bout making the switch to
I've been using it for almost a year now ... It's pretty sweet! Though, they sometimes have trouble connecting with one of my banks. Otherwise, I have nothing but compliments for the site.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Is it secure?
their security seems pretty legit, but providing my checking and savings account to a third party is something that I will always be cautious about
Originally Posted by ediaz411

im prolly late so someone has to school me......what is

It's a safe and secure website that monitors your bank accounts (checkings and saving etc.) down to the penny. It has records of everything you buy and at the end of the month it has lists of what you spent.
Pretty cool it has features showing how much you've spent on restaurants, food for home, things for kids, clothing and recreational things, etc. etc. month by month.
It'll compare your spending to other months and show you how much you saved by not going to clubs every week and it'll SPECIFICALLY say "You've saved __$ by not going to Titty bars in April"

It's good and no complaints that I can tell you
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