misconceptions about your city

I dont get why people say Boston is so "racist." We dont live in colonial times any more... its segregated a bit, sure, but the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston has every type of person you could ever imagine.
How is the ethnic diversity of Dorchester a valid counterargument? 
some ppl not from around the area think that Baltimore is in the DMV..2 totally different places

PPL think that the whole city is like The Wire :smh:
Pardon my ignorance but that's my perception of Bmore, are there any nice spots?? It doesn't seem like DC where there's good and bad it just seems bad :lol:

I dont know about TX, but Downtown Detroit is a very underrated place. Def gotta be 21 if you really wanna do it tho
oh i know about Detroit, im from here and on the cool you dont have to be 21, i just heard so much boss **** about Houston that i was baffled that Downtown was actually cooler

but yea, when i was 18-20 i would just scour greektown or elysium when the thots get out, prime rib without payin for it, of course not every night, but chances are in such abundance that just tryin is fun
Most of the homosexuals in Atlanta aren't really from Atlanta. Your homosexuals are the "undesirables" from up north and Cali, who are looking for cheap housing and jobs.

The real natives from Atlanta reside in the east/westside communities (metro atlanta) and the men are far from homosexual.

Most of the Atlanta traffic is caused by immigrants and non natives (Northerners/ immigrants) who can't drive or aren't use to driving.
Pardon my ignorance but that's my perception of Bmore, are there any nice spots?? It doesn't seem like DC where there's good and bad it just seems bad
Have you been there? This is why I hope HBO doesn't green light David Simon's "Pimps of Leisure" series which is supposed to be set in Oakland.  Just gonna continue to perpetuate a bunch of stereotypes about my city to the entire nation.  
lowkey, i hate that last part, but got damn its true, one time i almost broke my neck in MGM it was so many bad hos in that mf, and i mean gorgeous wit dumb body

bruh, wtf you mean about Kwame being good? they did throw the book at him tho

everything else is pretty much true, but at the same time, hos flip if you got legit buffys on

but yea man, Detroit is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be at all, ive never been tried or abducted, never even close to an altercation, and ive worked in some of the roughest parts, and some of my ex's are from the roughest parts

if you're in town or whatever and want to have a good time for the weekend, just do what you would in any other city, check out the attractions and party Downtown, if you go to a nice club (which is where you wanna be anyways because thats where all the baddest hos are) you will be A1

I find it difficult to really get an idea of what Detroit is like as far as the people, places, and crime. Aside from visiting what would you suggest?
as far as people, Detroit is a mixture like anywhere else man, the east side has a rap for being real rough and harder than the west side, but honestly all of the people ive met/hang out with from the east arent ignorant thugs at all, and they grew up with thugs/have cousins who are thugs

places, honestly, the coolest stuff to me is close to downtown, once you get away from downtown, it gets more residential which is basically nothing for a visitor, Woodward is the street that separates the East side from the West side, so naturally thats where you will probably spend most of your time cruising

crime is rough, dont do anything dumb, ive been downtown dolo walking through dark alleys PLENTY of times and have never experienced an aggressive bum, jackboy, or what have you, now if you walkin at night in some neighborhoods like Brightmoor and you dont know where youre going, then thats just a dum move by anyone, but you wont be in any of those neighborhoods so dont trip
I have a theory that due to the primary ethnicity of the residents of Detroit it gets a lot more "hate" than it would other wise.

Now with that being said I would never live there but its a cool place to visit.
of course, anytime Detroit is mentioned on Yahoo, theres an astounding barrage of racist remarks attached to the article

people talk about it as if blacks completely ruined it, as if White Flight had nothing to do with it

the reason why so many houses are abandoned is because all of the white people moved North of 8 mile, the city went from ~2million people to ~700k, yes there will be many abandoned houses, yes a lot of the tax revenue up and walked away, yes Detroit was spending like it was a XXXL city when it was M-L at best

white nor black is to blame, it was just poor planning

THIS IS THE BIGGEST PHILLY MISCONCEPTION -- Pats and Genos is just a TOURIST attraction there are plenty more places to choose from to grab an amazing Wiz without from.
Louisville isnt full of hicks just because were in KY..theres more ghetto then hicks

Lville is actually in a huge boom right now..its gettin overcrowded tho

And yes we are the #1 College BBall state in the country (Back to back Champs)
Everyone I've talked to that has lived there in the past says the same thing. Let some people or articles tell it, a lot of Detroit is abandoned/run down, the crime rate is sky high, poverty, and there's very little to do.

I also heard some years ago that the downtown didn't even have a supermarket.
That abandoned house part is true. There are plenty of parts that could double for Baghdad 
, and the supermarket comment was true. There is a place called Eastern Market, but up until about last month when Whole Foods opened there was no major grocery store located in the city of Detroit. All in all still a great city to experience though. 
LMAO, bruh, i guess Eastern Market doesn't really count as Downtown, but theres been grocery stores and stuff since the city's beginning (yes fresh produce sales and all) but if you mean like a Target/WalMart/Meijer or whatever, thats still not true, theres been a 24\7 Kmart on 7mile and Telegraph since like 2003 or something, maybe older than that, but that is the only supermarket type deal in the city to be honest

actually theyre building a Meijer on 8mile and Woodward on the Detroit side right now as we speak

there are many torn down spots yea, but Baghdad is wild, we dont even have sand. . . 
LMAO, bruh, i guess Eastern Market doesn't really count as Downtown, but theres been grocery stores and stuff since the city's beginning (yes fresh produce sales and all) but if you mean like a Target/WalMart/Meijer or whatever, thats still not true, theres been a 24\7 Kmart on 7mile and Telegraph since like 2003 or something, maybe older than that, but that is the only supermarket type deal in the city to be honest

actually theyre building a Meijer on 8mile and Woodward on the Detroit side right now as we speak

there are many torn down spots yea, but Baghdad is wild, we dont even have sand. . . 
 I feel you. I know Detroit people have pride so I figured someone was going say to something when I typed. The Meijer is a great look and due to open this month. It's great to see this even though Meijer isn't a stand alone grocery store. I was referring to a Major Chain Grocery stores though : Safeway, Krogers, Whole Foods, Traders Joes, etc. The city does have an average amount of independent grocery stores. 

In regards to the Baghdad Comments that stretch of Michigan Ave From Wyoming to Trumbell is 
. I do have a question though. I'm a Cali transplant now living in Detroit. What's up with the Red Brick road on Michigan Ave in Corktown? I know Tigers stadium used to be right there , but is there a symbolic reason that part of the street is like that? 
LMAO, bruh, i guess Eastern Market doesn't really count as Downtown, but theres been grocery stores and stuff since the city's beginning (yes fresh produce sales and all) but if you mean like a Target/WalMart/Meijer or whatever, thats still not true, theres been a 24\7 Kmart on 7mile and Telegraph since like 2003 or something, maybe older than that, but that is the only supermarket type deal in the city to be honest

actually theyre building a Meijer on 8mile and Woodward on the Detroit side right now as we speak

there are many torn down spots yea, but Baghdad is wild, we dont even have sand. . . 
 I feel you. I know Detroit people have pride so I figured someone was going say to something when I typed. The Meijer is a great look and due to open this month. It's great to see this even though Meijer isn't a stand alone grocery store. I was referring to a Major Chain Grocery stores though : Safeway, Krogers, Whole Foods, Traders Joes, etc. The city does have an average amount of independent grocery stores. 

In regards to the Baghdad Comments that stretch of Michigan Ave From Wyoming to Trumbell is 
. I do have a question though. I'm a Cali transplant now living in Detroit. What's up with the Red Brick road on Michigan Ave in Corktown? I know Tigers stadium used to be right there , but is there a symbolic reason that part of the street is like that? 
i mean, i wouldnt call it pride, its just a wild blanket statement to make, but you right, and idk if you count it because its not there anymore, but where i used to live (Joy Rd & Southfield) there used to be a Farmer Jacks over there, and then it closed down and turned into a Kroger, now its a Save a Lot or something

Man, no sand no Baghdad lol

i dont think its symbolic, i was told that was supposedly the first part of Detroit that was paved or something like that, i really dont know if thats true or not

THIS IS THE BIGGEST PHILLY MISCONCEPTION -- Pats and Genos is just a TOURIST attraction there are plenty more places to choose from to grab an amazing Wiz without from.
I had Ishkabibble's when I was in Philly a few months ago.

The chicken cheesesteak was
Virginia Facts:

Virginia is the start of the south.
The only places to visit in Virginia are Northern Virginia, Richmond, maybe VA Beach. Thats it. Everywhere else is country, farms, and rednecks.


People from Nova are generally spoiled, the quality of living up there is unrealistic with everywhere else in the US which generally makes the people have uptight attitude if they don't get 5-star service everywhere. Aside from that you have awesome shopping and DC right there so theres always something to do. There are majority Whites/Asian/Latinos here. Oh, snows like a muthersuck and humid summers. Terrible traffic but good public transport into/around DC.


Smaller city but with an extremely diverse demographic in part due to VCU taking over the city. There are rednecks but they are few and far between because of the wide demographic (Asians, Whites, Latinos, African Americans and Arabs are all here.) and theres plenty of nice people. Places to shop and hang but it's not overcrowded and traffic is mild at it's worst. There are some hood areas and plenty of great areas. Club scene is small, but when college semesters are going on everywhere is packed so it makes up for it. Surprisingly not that much snow and humid summers. Do know, if you don't have a circle of friends to hang with it can get boring.

VA Beach:

Go to the beach, otherwise theres no point in being there. Water is cold as ice tho and there are plenty of rednecks out there, so if your a minority don't be surprised if you hear a slur or two.
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I was surprised by how many black folks there were in Sac.

Probably has the highest % of blacks in CA after Oakland. I just assumed it was maibly white hicks...mainly bc of the cowbell at the Kings games :lol:
Dallas is the most materialistic city in Texas, with Austin being a close second. (Believe it or not)

The Dallas you see on TV is not Dallas, it's actually Ft. Worth. Hate seeing "Dallas" on TV but they're actually showing the Fort Worth stockyards :lol:
I was surprised by how many black folks there were in Sac.

Probably has the highest % of blacks in CA after Oakland. I just assumed it was maibly white hicks...mainly bc of the cowbell at the Kings games
again, goes back to what I mentioned about us getting ******* on (Shaq/Lakers calling us a cow town), and us just going with it or embracing it. Its a good and bad thing.

IMO its bad, because it makes us complacent, especially at the local government level. Thank God Kevin Johnson has a little bit of ambition.

Its also good tho, because we don't really get phased by the smearing we take I guess 
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Any of you guys from Seattle? I've been looking at job opportunities there


Most common misconception of Seattle is that it rains all the time. When really for a period of the year it simply LOOKS like it could rain but it just a handful of showers. Per year average we dont get that much rain, in fact I think it rains more in NY than it does here.

We get all 4 seasons here, its not overcast all year. Oh and Summer in Seattle is top notch. :pimp:
Any of you guys from Seattle? I've been looking at job opportunities there

Most common misconception of Seattle is that it rains all the time. When really for a period of the year it simply LOOKS like it could rain but it just a handful of showers. Per year average we dont get that much rain, in fact I think it rains more in NY than it does here.

We get all 4 seasons here, its not overcast all year. Oh and Summer in Seattle is top notch.
that's just as bad as rain IMO 

Love being in the sun as much as possible. Gloomy weather is the worst. I was stuck in that when I was in the UK for 3 weeks and thought I was gonna lose my mind.
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