Missouri Football Players Go On Strike To Force Removal Of School President

So how much money is too much money to stand up for your and other people's rights? >D

The lengths people go to avoid acknowledging/recognizing racism when it's this blatant :x :smh:

You or your parents bank account balance doesn't appear on your forehead.

Racists don't care if you have money or not anyway. You aren't exempt from white supremacy because you or your parents have money.
Yep. And in his ABC interview he said that the Mizzou campus is "unlivable" because of so many racist incidents. Yet he is currently in his SEVENTH year of attending the school. Sounds so unlivable to me
Is the dude supposed to leave the campus because it's racist or do something and try to change racist climate on campus?
Is the Entire Mizzou Protest Based On Lies?


"My point here is pretty simple: When you add all this evidence up, there is actually no tangible evidence of anyone at Missouri doing anything wrong or ignoring anything improper. No crime has occurred on campus, no one has been physically harmed. At the absolute worst a small number of students have been subjected to mean words and an insane person wrote with poop on the wall. That's it.

Yet two people have lost their jobs over this protest and the protesters have received almost universal praise in the media."
Is the Entire Mizzou Protest Based On Lies?


"My point here is pretty simple: When you add all this evidence up, there is actually no tangible evidence of anyone at Missouri doing anything wrong or ignoring anything improper. No crime has occurred on campus, no one has been physically harmed. At the absolute worst a small number of students have been subjected to mean words and an insane person wrote with poop on the wall. That's it.

Yet two people have lost their jobs over this protest and the protesters have received almost universal praise in the media."
I don't know why but your posts still annoy me. 

Look, we get it. You deny the significance of racial inequality. You don't believe in the material and spiritual impact of systemic racism on black people.  

Why do you continue to weigh in? 
"Mean words...wrote poop on the wall..."

That's about as insensitive as you can possibly get...since when are racial slurs "mean words"...and that "crazy person" could very well have the capability to execute a mass shooting...

And it wasn't just words...it was a ******* swastika for God's sake...
I can't believe thousands of people are standing up for something and you keep coming in here acting like they are all lies...what's wrong with you...
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Is the Entire Mizzou Protest Based On Lies?


"My point here is pretty simple: When you add all this evidence up, there is actually no tangible evidence of anyone at Missouri doing anything wrong or ignoring anything improper. No crime has occurred on campus, no one has been physically harmed. At the absolute worst a small number of students have been subjected to mean words and an insane person wrote with poop on the wall. That's it.

Yet two people have lost their jobs over this protest and the protesters have received almost universal praise in the media."
so I guess this was made up too????http://m.nydailynews.com/news/natio...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Well, because two idiots made threats after the resignations clearly that means everything else leading up to the protests and resignations happened, right? Imagine using that logic in a court of law lol.
Where is your proof to prove that Missouri doesn't have a race problem on campus????? I'm waiting..... Are you. u of Missouri student????
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Who said it was? Btw he didn't have any weapons. He was a clown.
So. Doesn't take away from the fact that he attempted to create a hostile environment at U of M like others. My cousin goes to the school and he's filled me in on what's happening there.
So. Doesn't take away from the fact that he attempted to create a hostile environment at U of M like others. My cousin goes to the school and he's filled me in on what's happening there.

Why go back forth with dude my man ? It's pointless. I would block dude but it's a reminder how clueless the ******* can be every time I see him post. Dude would've found a way to pin us getting hung on us

Sad thing is dude is an actual breathing human who is prob goin reproduce. Prime example of why this **** in this country is going nowhere
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Well, because two idiots made threats after the resignations clearly that means everything else leading up to the protests and resignations happened, right? Imagine using that logic in a court of law lol.

So this is an example of them Blacks getting outta hand again right :lol:

I'm waiting on you to use them trigger words "Fake outrage"
Dude literally comes into every thread that has to do with Blacks and talks about us. Dude literally invests time of his day to sh*t on Blacks. That Black hatred must be real.
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Why aren't you guys celebrating the article I posted? It shows there's a lot less racism at Mizzou than was thought. That's a good thing.
There it is. Dudes moving the goal posts instead of discussing the matter at hand which is racism.

Yep, those are the tactics of the left. Smear, ridicule, humiliate the messenger instead of dealing with the issue at hand. Straight out of "Rules For Radicals" by Saul Alinsky.
Why aren't you guys celebrating the article I posted? It shows there's a lot less racism at Mizzou than was thought. That's a good thing.

Spot on. Awesome analysis although it doesn't talk about Black racism against White students which I hear is a huge problem.
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