Mitt Romney on hidden camera

Transcript from the video:

Questioner: I think it had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan… That’s why I’m suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would prevent. And I think that’s something that could possibly resonate very well with the American public.

Romney: I appreciate the idea. One of the things that’s frustrating to me is that in a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, the number of foreign policy questions I get are between zero and one. And the American people are not concentrated at all on China, on Russia, Iran, Iraq. This President’s failure to put in place a status of forces agreement allowing ten to twenty thousand troops to stay in Iraq- unthinkable! And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, “Now hold on. It’s really a-” I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity. this dude secretly in his heart of hearts actually hoping something bad happens so that he can get an inside track on a damn election?! I hope not, but I really would be feeling some type of way if I were in the armed forces seeing this guy who could be commander in chief making remarks like this :smh: :x

Fast forward to 9/11/12 Libyan embassay gets attacked by protestors and here's good ole Mitt's FIRST remarks on the matter:

“I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

Honestly I can't with this man anymore, he literally will sink to any level to get an advantage in an election, and it backfires on him every time :smh:
As for the new video of Obama talking about redistributing wealth. I'm not even mad. Because the last 30 years have been the wealthy redistributing money to the top. So they can forget about that talking point in my eyes

The simple fact is that wealthy have been enjoying corporate welfare for quite some time. Yet they don't see it that way.
As for the new video of Obama talking about redistributing wealth. I'm not even mad. Because the last 30 years have been the wealthy redistributing money to the top. So they can forget about that talking point in my eyes
The simple fact is that wealthy have been enjoying corporate welfare for quite some time. Yet they don't see it that way.

i watched fox news just to see how they were handlin the mitt video (that arent covering it from the 3 segments i watched of Hannity...)

the two obama vids out were being covered. i could 'somewhat' (thats a stretch) see how the redistibution vid could rub folks the wrong way, the 2nd vid they had was obama talkin about all sides coming together and the were damn near livid with the thought of such a thing.

Im out of touch (forgive me for rambling)
You left off the part where he condescendingly generalized "I'm not going to convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives," effectively calling them moochers, and continuing to assert they are "dependant on Government."
Yes, it is established he is correct that 46% of Americans don't pay federal income tax (they still pay state, property taxes and sales tax though). However, it has been proven that the majority are the Elderly, people who make under the tax threshhold of 20k, vets, and college students. Moochers? Not entirely. He isn't even correct in his assumption the 47% guaranteed to vote for Obama and the 47% who don't pay income tax, are the same people.
And the more you research into it, besides the fact of his own Dad being on welfare for yrs, or that the states that recieve the most Government aid tend to be Southern states that vote GOP (and thus he is condescendingly putting down a good amount of his own base), or the "joke" that he would be better off being Latino because apparently they don't fully comprehend campaign issues but would vote for him just because of his being Latino, it's a fail all around.
Hell, he has people in his own party calling him out on the comments. This is what David Brooks said
"Sure, there are some government programs that cultivate patterns of dependency in some people. I'd put federal disability payments and unemployment insurance in this category. But, as a description of America today, Romney's comment is a country-club fantasy. It's what self-satisfied millionaires say to each other. It reinforces every negative view people have about Romney," Brooks wrote. "He's running a depressingly inept presidential campaign. Mr. Romney, your entitlement reform ideas are essential, but when will the incompetence stop?"
Bill Kristol
"It remains important for the country that Romney wins in November (unless he chooses to step down and we get the Ryan-Rubio ticket we deserve!). But that shouldn't blind us to the fact that Romney's comments, like those of Obama four years ago, are stupid and arrogant
On top of that, this fool invests his money in the Cayman islands and won't release his tax returns so he's the one freeloading.
Bottom line... Apple CEO isn't running for President. Athletes aren't running for President. Mitt Romney is running for President so our focus is on him.
And who the hell doesn't want to pay less taxes? The answer is simple..
HOWEVER, if you're going to run for President of the US, it's not a good look when you made 21 million dollars from investments and some of that income are from foreign investments where he paid foreign taxes and using those foreign taxes paid as a credit against his US taxes. It's a great tax strategy for the wealthy whom can place millions in foreign accounts and reap the tax benefits. So a guy whom used the US tax loopholes created for the wealthy wants to be the President of the US and then complains about the poor taking advantage of the broke US Govt? The govt is broke because wealthy individuals like Romney took FULL advantage of Bush era tax cuts to pay as little taxes as they possibly can.
That's is why the govt is broke? Because the wealthy took advantage of their tax cuts? If they didn't we wouldn't be in this problem??

You're seriously misguided if you think thats the problem.
going on 2 wars wit uncle sam's credit card and da bush tax cuts got us in da hole....
That's is why the govt is broke? Because the wealthy took advantage of their tax cuts? If they didn't we wouldn't be in this problem??

You're seriously misguided if you think thats the problem.
It's a known fact the wealthy pays for a majority of the taxes here in the US. So guess how many billions the US Govt lost in tax revenues from the wealthy since Bush signed to law the Jobs and Growth Tax Act of 2003 that reduced the taxes paid on investment income?

That's only what?

9-10 years?

9 years of millionaires like Romney who shunned the US Govt of tax revenues because they used these tax loop holes! Here's what Romney did to pay his low effective tax rate... instead of taking a regular salary (ordinary income) from Bain taxed at the maximum 35% tax rate, he is paid through investments such as carried interest. Carried interest is investment income taxed at the maximum 15% tax rate! A 20% difference! You're telling me 9 years of millionaires/billionaires using loopholes such as this didn't increase the US deficit? And oh behold Obama wants to close these loopholes but guess who is against it? The guy taking advantage... Romney.

Here.. why don't you be a little bit more educated.
thats not a loop hole though...

2 totally different income from investments have ALREADY been taxed to etablish said investments....da fact that its even taxed at all is a double tax on

money you already made.
truthfully i dont see the problem with what he said and he was dead on 100% right about most of what he said! Im black also, and I will be voting for matt1
I'm not so sure. The only age demographic Obama won in 2008 was 18-29 year olds. These people aren't working now.

Not true.. He won 30-44.. And tied 45-59.

Currently Obama is winning in PA, MI, WI, OH, FL, VA, NM, NV... And Romney's campaign in one of the biggest disasters you can have.

Obama also has a large lead in youth vote, black vote, women vote & hispanic vote

Barring unforeseen catastrophe this election is pretty much in Obama's favor.
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I'm not so sure. The only age demographic Obama won in 2008 was 18-29 year olds. These people aren't working now.

Not true.. He won 30-44.. And tied 45-59.

Currently Obama is winning in PA, MI, WI, OH, FL, VA, NM, NV... And Romney's campaign in one of the biggest disasters you can have.

Obama also has a large lead in youth vote, black vote, women vote & hispanic vote

Barring unforeseen catastrophe this election is pretty much in Obama's favor.

Yup. Obama basically won by default in both races IMO.
People are saying Romney applied bronzer to appear latino for Univision's interview Wednesday
Looks debatable... :lol: if true

compared to
thats not a loop hole though...

2 totally different income from investments have ALREADY been taxed to etablish said investments....da fact that its even taxed at all is a double tax on

money you already made.

All money is technically "already taxed" unless that money is coming directly from a bank loan, so that doesn't fly.

So ninjahood, if you take the money that you saved up after tax, use that money to buy a business, you should never pay tax on the profits from that business, ever? It's the same concept.

The tax arguments, especially from the conservative point of view are very easily debunked.
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^ that's totally right.

It's not a double tax because you don't pay tax on the money you invest - just on the profit. You've already paid tax on the original amount but that's not the issue - that example of a business is apt.
It's amazing how media propaganda convinces people to go against their own best interests. Ninjahood can sell his old sneakers and if he reported those sales and paid tax on them, he would be at a higher tax rate than Romney, but he's ok with that. That's ok, he doesn't mind paying 30% tax on selling his kicks while Romney pays 15% tax.
^ ninjahood should be smarter and allow himself to make money through a different means that enables Romney's 15% tax rate.
It's amazing how media propaganda convinces people to go against their own best interests. Ninjahood can sell his old sneakers and if he reported those sales and paid tax on them, he would be at a higher tax rate than Romney, but he's ok with that. That's ok, he doesn't mind paying 30% tax on selling his kicks while Romney pays 15% tax.

:lol: :smh:
People are saying Romney applied bronzer to appear latino for Univision's interview Wednesday
Looks debatable...
if true

compared to
Romney is the type of guy to ASK fo chop-sticks at the chinese restaurant instead of using the fork that was given to him. 
I'm not so sure. The only age demographic Obama won in 2008 was 18-29 year olds. These people aren't working now.

Not true.. He won 30-44.. And tied 45-59.

Currently Obama is winning in PA, MI, WI, OH, FL, VA, NM, NV... And Romney's campaign in one of the biggest disasters you can have.

Obama also has a large lead in youth vote, black vote, women vote & hispanic vote

Barring unforeseen catastrophe this election is pretty much in Obama's favor.

Yeah I just checked it out. I got that from a Michael Moore interview I thought he had it right :lol:
It's amazing how media propaganda convinces people to go against their own best interests. Ninjahood can sell his old sneakers and if he reported those sales and paid tax on them, he would be at a higher tax rate than Romney, but he's ok with that. That's ok, he doesn't mind paying 30% tax on selling his kicks while Romney pays 15% tax.

:lol: :smh:

This is how i know ya dunno what ya talkin bout...

Capital gains tax is fees on profit you've made from profits of assets.

If i bought some yeezys for 1000 & i paid da sales tax on it, i sold em for

2000 (my capital gain) why should da tax on my capital gains be just as high

As da initial purchase price tax?

Mit romney makes his money off dividends from mutual fund investments, which

Were already taxed when purchased & taxed from his income revenue @ da 37% rate.

Mutual funds shouldn't be taxed at da same rate.
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