Mitt Romney painted his face Brown to appeal to Latino voters

[h1]Mitt Romney: The GOP's Very Best[/h1]

—By Kevin Drum

| Thu Sep. 20, 2012 9:55 PM PDT




I would like to take this chance to remind everyone that earlier this year Mitt Romney was pretty unanimously considered the strongest candidate in the Republican field — by a large margin. He was, without much question, the most electable of the primary bunch and the toughest opponent for Barack Obama. He was disciplined, well-funded, and had a moderate background that appealed to independents. He was, in short, the very best the Republicans had to offer in the year 2012.

This was not a fantasy, either. It was an accurate assessment. Romney was the best they had. The very best.

Let that sink in for a bit.


I refuse to believe thos are the best the GOP has to offer. Because every single one of them were laughably dumb
[h1]Mitt Romney: The GOP's Very Best[/h1]

—By Kevin Drum

| Thu Sep. 20, 2012 9:55 PM PDT




I would like to take this chance to remind everyone that earlier this year Mitt Romney was pretty unanimously considered the strongest candidate in the Republican field — by a large margin. He was, without much question, the most electable of the primary bunch and the toughest opponent for Barack Obama. He was disciplined, well-funded, and had a moderate background that appealed to independents. He was, in short, the very best the Republicans had to offer in the year 2012.

This was not a fantasy, either. It was an accurate assessment. Romney was the best they had. The very best.

Let that sink in for a bit.


:rofl: All of them are clowns. Santorum, Cain, ol' Mitt, should've nominated Ronny Paul.
Would like to see the video footage cuz im sure that Mediatakeout pic is enhanced. Especially after seeing the MSNBC pic.
looks like dude hit the tanning booth right before the meeting. you can see the tan lines around his eyes :rofl:
Please tell me the photo was photo shopped...Did this fool really bronze his face? The irony is he campaigned against bilingual education when running for governor & GOP primary...
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:lol: What a clown man. Seriously has any presidential candidate made such a circus while running? We'll be clowning his campaign for years to come, guy is nothing but jokes.

I wonder how Ninja feels about this :nerd: :lol:
[h1]Mitt Romney: The GOP's Very Best[/h1]

—By Kevin Drum

| Thu Sep. 20, 2012 9:55 PM PDT




I would like to take this chance to remind everyone that earlier this year Mitt Romney was pretty unanimously considered the strongest candidate in the Republican field — by a large margin. He was, without much question, the most electable of the primary bunch and the toughest opponent for Barack Obama. He was disciplined, well-funded, and had a moderate background that appealed to independents. He was, in short, the very best the Republicans had to offer in the year 2012.

This was not a fantasy, either. It was an accurate assessment. Romney was the best they had. The very best.

Let that sink in for a bit.


This is not accurate.  I recently saw Mitt Romney exited the Fox News building in New York and he had the same deep tanned face.  The reasoning is because when you are on the camera you look extremely pale because of the lighting.  Thats why richard nixon looked so bad on camera because he never did makeup/tan.
[h1]Mitt Romney: The GOP's Very Best[/h1]

—By Kevin Drum

| Thu Sep. 20, 2012 9:55 PM PDT






I would like to take this chance to remind everyone that earlier this year Mitt Romney was pretty unanimously considered the strongest candidate in the Republican field — by a large margin. He was, without much question, the most electable of the primary bunch and the toughest opponent for Barack Obama. He was disciplined, well-funded, and had a moderate background that appealed to independents. He was, in short, the very best the Republicans had to offer in the year 2012.

This was not a fantasy, either. It was an accurate assessment. Romney was the best they had. The very best.

Let that sink in for a bit.


I refuse to believe thos are the best the GOP has to offer. Because every single one of them were laughably dumb
Huntsman said he understood evolution and climate change then no one ever heard form him again. 

Hes like that pokemon that changes into what its fighting
I yelled reading this. 
This is not accurate.  I recently saw Mitt Romney exited the Fox News building in New York and he had the same deep tanned face.  The reasoning is because when you are on the camera you look extremely pale because of the lighting.  Thats why richard nixon looked so bad on camera because he never did makeup/tan.
Dudes face compared to the back of his neck looks like hes in the shade. 
it is a little late for get a tan, so unless he got some type of mega tanning machine that bronzed him that fast...yea i can see the difference.

...and its flat out ****** up. but hey, it worked on ninjahood :nerd: :nerd:
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