MNF- Broncos .vs. Patriots Official Post

Ok we're at the 12 yard line. Get inside the 5...I fake...and hit the TE. It's simple. DO IT. FG's won't win this

Is it just me and my football ignorance, or should Moss have pulled that in?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Is it just me and my football ignorance, or should Moss have pulled that in?

Champ Bailey is why he didn't pull that in. You don't pull in the football on Champ Bailey.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Ok we're at the 12 yard line. Get inside the 5...I fake...and hit the TE. It's simple. DO IT. FG's won't win this

will that win the game
"slamming" sammy morris coming outparty and broncos having a penaltyfest
Wow we got a TD? Really?

EDIT: If we're not gonna let Cassel throw, can we see Kevin O'Connell or Gutierezz in there? Someone who, god forbid actually has to make a throw, cancomplete a pass over 10 yards?
Alright then.

So I guess it is my football ignorance, because I'm still of the mindset that if you get both hands on it and it's right in front of you (not like yougot both hands on a high toss or something), you should pull it in... if you're this super-awesome receiver.

And I'm not saying Moss isn't good, but I would expect that a ball coming right at his chest that he gets both hands on, he's going to catch.
new england fans(& afc west) need this one - as in "make me feel good." - Halle Berry.

nice block by heath evans.
Interception...(Cutler can throw deep)

Well at least NE is starting farther than they would've from a punt.
Oh long does Cassel need to make a pass? Brady would have put up 35 points by now
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