Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

You really hung up on the 90%.

I'm sure dude was just exaggerating.

And no one really gives Future **** ..

Molly percocet.

im sure he was but he said it as if it was gospel

so why not just let him speak for himself?

hand2hand did you even think about what you typed before you typed it..


i thought about eminems millions made off drug music before i posted
Your agenda.

C'mon b you're the race/racist version of the PAPIHH dude.

Like your argument about Em's drug raps being well received compared to black rappers who do it now has nothing to do with Em being a credible rap artist or if he should or can be more credible than a whack rapper just because the rapper is black.

Em is white he can't change that.

The reason Em's pill raps were accepted or not as heavily criticized is the same reason white ppl are deciding to acknowledge there's an opiod epidemic now. The majority of Em's fans are white. White ppl were the first to be on that OD on pharmaceutical drug tip. There was no mainstream widespread acknowledgment of prescription pill abuse when Em blew up.

I wasn't in to that **** and didn't like or care for it. Nor were any of my non-white friends

These lean mumble rap percocet rappers will get backlash cuz parents and families and most importantly are not letting it slide.

Quite frankly that's the way it should be. Its not cool for black youth to be in to that.

You are so desperate to try and make a point about a double standard about something that is clearly so wrong when it had nothing to do with Em being more credible than anybody. Its pathetic as per usual.

so because eminem is white it can work in his favor but not against him

eminem WAS the mainstream acknowledgement of pill abuse

why you think now he's all relapse and rehab

he was the posterboy for a long time and made a lot of money doing it

but now its hes white and incapable of controlling what music he puts out there

and im not saying future and co get criticized now is a bad thing but it IS a double standard

it had everything to do with eminem's credibility when bringin up this hardscrabble life from the bottom em lived to make it to the top

im pretty sure he glorified drug use as his "escape" so to say it has nothing to do with his "credibility" is false

and as far as "whack" wack black rappers, em aint the giant ppl prop him up to be either imo

his first album ok he was something different but after that he fell off imo

like em aint the larry bird of hip hop no matter how many movies he can make himself look cool in

so a great majority of those so called "wack" black rappers id take before eminem IMO
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so because eminem is white it can work in his favor but not against him
Cuz his white fans were in to it or saw it as entertainment. They're the ones that made it work in his favor. Millions upon millions of them.

Now sure there were white ppl and groups against it but not on a huge mainstream level.

eminem WAS the mainstream acknowledgement of pill abuse
No that's not the same thing. Em's success off of prescription drug raps were not an acknowledgement of opioid abuse or the opioid epidemic. It was the CELEBRATION of it. If you ain't notice the difference that's on you.

why you think now he's all relapse and rehab
Didn't really give a ****. I would assume its because he was known for abusing those drugs and then stopped using it and remained sober so he made an album to reflect where he was at during the time.

Doesn't matter anyway. Relaspe was ******* whack. Em fell off after the Eminem Show.

he was the posterboy for a long time and made a lot of money doing it
This is not in dispute.

However, Em was not just a pill popping rapper. He represented a great deal of disturbed white boys that wanted to kill their mothers, hated their baby moms but loved their daughters. Also white ppl that like to joke about raping family members. He made millions because a lot of white ppl identified to all that white ppl **** that was distributed in the most popular music genre of the time.

Eminem was not strictly a I do prescription pills rapper.
but now its hes white and incapable of controlling what music he puts out there
Who said this? I missed it.

I don't even know how y'all got on to neonazism and Satanism tbh. Gotta read like 4 pgs.
and im not saying future and co get criticized now is a bad thing but it IS a double standard
So what? Not a double standard worth arguing over.

Future is whack cuz he mumbles but I ain't gonna front like that Mask On song don't got a dope beat.

***** still whack. Abusing drugs is not the wave.
it had everything to do with eminem's credibility when bringin up this hardscrabble life from the bottom em lived to make it to the top
I dunno I feel like this topic started and ppl aren't agreeing on what credibility means.

Em kept it real about his life and who he was and rapped what he knew. And he was dope at it. That's how he earned respect and credibility in hip hop.

im pretty sure he glorified drug use as his "escap e" so to say it has nothing to do with his "credibility" is false
What does that have to do with him being more or less credible than any other rapper?

Again you seem to have a different idea of how credibility works.

Em rapped about using and/or abusing prescription drugs. You yourself even claim he rapped about it as his escape. What does that specifically have to do with him being more or less credible than another rapper?

What are you getting at? You trying to say Em actually never did those drugs? Or that he exaggerated how much of it he actually used?

Cuz just saying Eminem made a lot of money off of rap with drug use content and other rappers have got backlash and that its a double standard to you based on him being white doesnt have anything to do with his credibility. Em can't control double standards.

I mean its not like he was the first rapper to rap about drugs and make millions.
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Em rapped about using and/or abusing prescription drugs. You yourself even claim he rapped about it as his escape. What does that specifically have to do with him being more or less credible than another rapper?

because his drug use is what his "credibility" was in part based on
that "escape" is the same thing his fans listen for
relating to him like you said
what helped make him popular

itd be like saying larry bird gets his respect, and hes "credible" but we're going to ignore the facets of his game that arent savory like getting "dirty"

eminem is just in the upper echelon entirely due to his lyrical skill and i find that problematic
because his drug use is what his "credibility" was in part based on
that "escape" is the same thing his fans listen for
relating to him like you said
what helped make him popular

itd be like saying larry bird gets his respect, and hes "credible" but we're going to ignore the facets of his game that arent savory like getting "dirty"
Wait who is ignoring it?

Who pretends like Eminem didn't rap about doing prescription drugs a lot?

Again though, at the time it was not seen as unsavory cuz the ppl buying the records accepted and celebrated it.
eminem is just in the upper echelon entirely due to his lyrical skill and i find that problematic
In rap, what else should put you in the upper echelon? If not rapping.
hand2hand refuses to acknowledge that he's considered a great for his ability...

he thinks people consider him great because he's white...

slim shaddy/mm LP eminem could spit circles around ya favorite rapper kid

with/without the drug raps

I THINK hand is trying to say that in most cases, white rappers have to do less to be considered great, than black rappers.
I THINK hand is trying to say that in most cases, white rappers have to do less to be considered great, than black rappers.
lets put eminem to the side....

what actual examples are there of this...what white rappers are considered great even though they havn't earned the title?
Sorry I didn't notice your post from above.

Yeah, I am inclined to agree. That argument only works if there is a pattern. Em seems like the outlier when it comes to white rappers, not the average.
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lets put eminem to the side....

what actual examples are there of this...what white rappers are considered great even though they havn't earned the title?
I think if you go back and read his posts, he gives some examples to the point he was arguing? I don't know, it's not my argument. There are certainly examples out there of white rappers being successful, if you wanna look up album sales, Grammy success, etc. Beastie Boys were the first rap group to go platinum I believe?

Anyways I have no idea what topic everyone is even on in this thread :lol:
I THINK hand is trying to say that in most cases, white rappers have to do less to be considered great, than black rappers.

Hmmm WUT?

Em is literally the only white rapper amongst the goats of hip hop and that spot has been wellllll deserved and earned and co-signed by just about every rapper considered a top 10 of all time that’s alive..
lets put eminem to the side....

what actual examples are there of this...what white rappers are considered great even though they havn't earned the title?

I can't think of another white rapper that comes even remotely close to having the combination of skills, appeal and longevity.
The topic was Eminem has more "credibility" than 90% of rappers

After explaining hip hop roots in Africa, I detailed artists who have stood on ems shoulders (g-eazy, mac miller, riff raff etc)

I then explained how Eminem's skin color benefitted him and how he escapes double standards rappers face

I also included and apt analogy about japanese sushi chefs and mentioned heavyweight champ jack johnson's story

Then dudes brought up basketball and Manson to which I dismissed those claims

Then it swung back around to em's credibility which again had to be established as being at least somewhat based on glorification of drug use

In the end I have respect for em but saying that he is more "credible" than the majority of his "peers" I disagree with
Manson was never brought up for discussion. He was brought up to convey the criticism Eminem faced from civil rights and religious groups. He was only used as a comparison/aid.

You insinuating he deserved the treatment he endured because he's a "devil worshipping recruiter for satan" was what prompted the clarification.

But I digress.
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There are no other white raplers considered great.

There's not even half a dozen successful white rappers or white rap groups on a mainstream/commercial level.

There is no pattern or trend. Em's earned reputation and credibility in rap has nothing to do with white priviliege or a double standard based on his whiteness.

His success may be a product of white privilege but that was only after he proved himself among his fellow rappers. There've been plenty of white rappers that tried to make it in hip hop and white privilege did not rocket them to stardom.

The topic was Eminem has more "credibility" than 90% of rappers
I can get this in a non-serious way. Just account for how many rappers there are. Then cram all of the great rappers of the late 80s and 90s in to that 10%

After explaining hip hop roots in Africa, I detailed artists who have stood on ems shoulders (g-eazy, mac miller, riff raff etc)

I then explained how Eminem's skin color benefitted him and how he escapes double standards rappers face
I don't think that would go against or for the claim

I also included and apt analogy about japanese sushi chefs and mentioned heavyweight champ jack johnson's story
I read this part of the back and forth.
Then dudes brought up basketball and Manson to which I dismissed those claims

Then it swung back around to em's credibility which again had to be established as being at least somewhat based on glorification of drug use

In the end I have respect for em but saying that he is more "credible" than the majority of his "peers" I disagree with
I don't really think the glorification for drug use hurts his credibility.

Peers is put in quotations for good reason. I wouldn't really call Future Em's peer.

A lot of whack rappers. A LOT.

So you may disagree but it may be in a general sense due to you assuming some things. If names were named it'd be different and much harder to argue.
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Em's "credibility" comes from the fact that he was not a break out star who was discovered by somebody and brought out, like a Justin Beiber. But instead he actually "paid his dues" being a battle rapper and earning his "cred" from 0 to where he is now. Did being white benefit him? Of course, the same way being short benefits Nate Robinson being a great dunker.
There are no other white rappers considered great..


hand2hand...explain why there aren't any other white rappers considered great...

considering how easy it is for them to reach acclaim due to their privileged?
because it takes talent that other white rappers dont have

understand rapping as artform is something white people cant excel like black ppl can

going back to my point about hip hop being based on the griot

and my point was that em's acclaim was never much quelled by his problematic raps as much as supported by them

but tell me what black rapper could talk about gays, violence against women etc and still be successful
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