Mods - LOCK.

I understand your pain...the food is addictive, especially the fries. This post might make me go prior to this picnic I'm forced to go to. But back to your"problem"...just make sure you are working out. One of my guys eats whatever he wants, whenever he wants, but he could be on Mens Health cover if hewanted. Just stay active and try to mix it up somedays with grilled chicken sandwich or salad sometimes.

That new angus burger is
it tastes disgusting to me now....I haven't ate in ages. When I do it's almost on some LAAAAAAAAAAST option type steeze.

I will punish a sausage biscuit from time to time though
I got the same problem lol i probably eat McDonald's at least once or twice a week smh..But all i order is a dollar nugget and fries but good thing i stayactive by balling daily or I'd be a fat Mother %@*$+% lol
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I understand your pain...the food is addictive, especially the fries. This post might make me go prior to this picnic I'm forced to go to. But back to your "problem"...just make sure you are working out. One of my guys eats whatever he wants, whenever he wants, but he could be on Mens Health cover if he wanted. Just stay active and try to mix it up somedays with grilled chicken sandwich or salad sometimes.

That new angus burger is
I know the type.

genetically gifted.

makes me mad sometimes because i have to constantly work hard and have a disciplined diet to maintain my physique due to my poor genetics
Its so easy..

Heres a dollar.... theres a burger.

Heres a dollar.... theres a soft drink.

Heres a dollar....theres a greased up been sittin under infrared light FRIES.

its gonna McKill you..
I was in that phase before. I havent eaten there in about 2 months, and i'm good.
Man, once I realized how much trash I was putting into my body, I cut all that out. Wasn't too hard either. You just HAVE to want to stop
I used to eat McDs more than I should but it kind of makes me sick now. I cant eat it more then once every great while. The only thing I get is nuggets.

Foreal tho that !*@ is so bad for you I dont know how youve managed to eat it that long in the first place without getting sick. You need to get some willpowerand find something thats actual food. Youre addicted to all the sugar, fat, and caffeine. Its going to be lights out for you if you dont stop.
NT heath heads need to quit it...


yes im fat...get over it
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