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Sep 1, 2009
Thanks for all the advice guys.
Use money from the joint account, tell her to deal with it. There is NO REASON why you should have to use your own money in this situation.
Sounds like you need to have "balance of power" conversation.  You are not in a good place right now.  
My advice, level with your wife about your finances and what type of lifestyle you can realistically afford.  Is it safe to assume she's making most of the decisions in your home?
megatron wrote:
Use money from the joint account, tell her to deal with it. There is NO REASON why you should have to use your own money in this situation.

now i get the meaning of nb4megatron
 on another note Op do what megatron said
If you have the dough or need to put on your side hustles, use the "other" dough...At a later time, you should talk to you wifey about the iPad & use of the joint account. I've been married 12 years & been with my wife 16. Being able to openly communicate issues is one of the most important things you can do to nurture/grow a successful marriage.
sorry sir you have bigger problems than figuring out what gift to give and how to pay for it-

is this real life? cant be.

buy her what you can afford. all that extra stuff is unnessecary.
Originally Posted by ironman78

I am married with 1 Kid. My wife and I have our own jobs and the income goes to our joint account. Last year my wife gave me an Ipad2 for my birthday. She took the money out of OUR account. Don't get me wrong I loved the gift, though of course it made me cringe a bit because after all, it was taken from OUR account. Remind you guys, we're not rich, we just have regular paying jobs. For me, a shirt or shoes the most.. I am more than happy.

Here's the issue.. Her Birthday is coming up. Being a guy who grew up poor, I learned how to make money from the little stuff like buy and sell, ebay, fixing computers.. so my wife knows I make money sometimes on the side. So as I have said her birthday is coming up.. SHE NOW EXPECTS ME, to equal if not exceed the value of her gift to me last year. And add THIS.. I cannot take any money from our account because she WANTS me to get if from the money I make on the side.. Which definitely cannot afford that. Can you enlighten me guys on how to handle this?! And if I come up with a horrible gift.. Well, If you are married.. you know what happens.

Women logic.
Question OP... do you have YOUR OWN ACCOUNT?

Another question OP... does she have HER OWN ACCOUNT?
Originally Posted by horchata kid

Repackage the ipad, give it to her

This and im serious.  Restore to default.  Put in box re wrap.  Say i liked mine so much that i got you one too.
Then tell her you keep yours at work.  OR return the ipad she got you or sell it.  take that money buy her a gift.  If she asks tell the truth.  Oh i know you wanted something nice so i sold your gift to get you a nice one.  
Thats why i love that her bday is 2 days before christmas and mine is on jan 1........we dont exchange gifts except for christmas, we just spend time together on our bday.

we have joint accounts too..........but im the one usually handling the money.............
Can you enlighten me guys on how to handle this?!

Man put your foot down champ.  Your the MAN in the relationship, remember that.  If she doesn't like that then tell her that's too bad.  You have to and a long time ago SHOULD have put her in her place and taken more control in your relationship and marriage.  Now's the time to correct these problems and issues. 
You need to set her straight.... You literally paid for half of your gift you do know that? need to argue though, just be thoughtful with your gift and get her what you can afford, she has an issue with that, have the divorce papers ready and hand them to
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