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Originally Posted by Kingtre

sorry sir you have bigger problems than figuring out what gift to give and how to pay for it-

This .......
Joint accounts sound good on the surface but things like this make it seem like a real pain.
No way in hell my paycheck would go directly into a shared account. That's just silly, she is very disrespectful with that logic. Then again that's women logic for you. You need to check her bc from the outside looking in, she run that relationship.

I can't believe you agreed to those terms. Grow some balls homie. This seems like the start of some real issues.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Your relationship sounds extremely superficial and materialistic.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]pretty much nailed it with this on 4cena[/color]
Sounds like shes the man in the relationship. It's a joint account, but yYOUR money is still in it. It should work BOTH ways. If she can take money out from that account, you should be able too.

There's a reason why BOTH your names are on the account and not just hers.
No disrespect OP but your wife sounds selfish and materialistic. Not even sure talking to her would help from what you wrote. She needs to be appreciative of any gift you give her no matter what the price tag.
I would get her something reasonable and tell her to.....

Edit: And if she has a problem with it tell her to bounce. You are grown *** people with bills and a kid. No time for the nonsense.
can't be serious. I woulda laughed in her face when she said I can't use the joint account that my own money goes into.
Originally Posted by Put em up

No way in hell my paycheck would go directly into a shared account.

See this is exactly why I asked him what I did on page 1. Aside from the joint account the two of you should have your own seperate accounts.
Originally Posted by ironman78

I am married with 1 Kid. My wife and I have our own jobs and the income goes to our joint account. Last year my wife gave me an Ipad2 for my birthday. She took the money out of OUR account. 
So you bought yourself an IPAD? 
Dont listen to all these dudes. You know what they are..

Sit down with your wife and communicate to her that you and her are not on the same page. Explain to her what you're thinking and make sense of the situation. You have to put your foot down and let her know that she's not doing things correctly with you.

If shes not having it then it's your fault for being passive on a daily basis She might feel like she can walk on you whenever she pleases and that you'll take it.

I'd say your marriage is in trouble if material things are this big of an issue.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You need to set her straight.... You literally paid for half of your gift you do know that? need to argue though, just be thoughtful with your gift and get her what you can afford, she has an issue with that, have the divorce papers ready and hand them to


This is exactly why me and my wife do not do the gift thing since we share an account.  If we want something we just buy it because at the end of the day it's half and half anyway.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Your relationship sounds extremely superficial and materialistic.

...and make sure that you use money from the joint account to pay for her gift.
Make sure she gets herself something nice.
you get her a gift with the money from the joint account.   Then when you give her the gift and she finds out be completely honest.  Then when she gets mad, then you say,  "babe, would you have gotten mad if I didn't give you a gift"  her: YES  ...then you say "I give you a nice birthday gift and you get mad and if I didn't give you a gift you get mad"   I can't win"    .....then maybe she will realize somethin is wrong with
My suggestion is that you all set up 3 total accounts. My wife and I do it this way. We put 10% of our pay checks in our own accounts and then the other 90% into a joint account. This way we have money set aside for gifts and our own little expenses. It's nice not knowing how much the other person spent. We don't really buy each other gifts for the normal holidays/bdays. Both think it's a waste since we pretty much buy whatever we want as we want them. I make a good bit more than she does but we use my extra for vacations and to fund our IRAs.
She just sounds like an immature diva bro, you gotta shape her up, I get the feeling you've been that dude that never set boundaries and now you are getting tired of it, so is partially your fault, I'm sure this ain't the first time she pulled this stun.
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