Mods please lock..

Jul 15, 2006
scroll down for cliffnotes....but please read if you have time.

I let my enotions get the best of me, sorry. Please lock or delete thread
Originally Posted by hotshots24

scroll down for cliffnotes....but please read if you have time.

Who agrees, the worst feeling in the world is watching the one you love, love someone else, as cliche as that sounds it is truly an awful feeling. The moment i found out.... wait let me clear this up a little bit, I loved (love) this girl to death, my first love. we spent 3 wonderful years together, and during these 3 years i learned how to love and how to lose it. Before this breakup our toughest time as a couple was when i moved to the philippines. we were only together for 4 months at the time, yet we were so deeply in love, the love that can't be explained in words but has to actually be felt. For 7 grueling months of not seeing het, my days grew longer, seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days. Soon the opporutnity of seeing her again arose, i was ecstatic and i was leaving my family to finish school and to be with her again, the hours soon became minutes, minutes became seconds and next thing i know im back at school, read to surprise her. the moment i saw her again, i knew that i would love her forever,i knew i was looking at the girl i truly love. AS naive and immataure as i am sounding, no matter what happens i will truly love her forever. So as the months went on, we spent the rest of high school together, and i can honestly say were the besttimes of my life. Going to dances, walking in the parks, dedicating songs to each other, carving our initials and promising that we wont go back until our 5th year anniversary to see how it looks ( we fell 736 days short). The way we grew apart was something taht could have been changed. I wasnt letting her grow as an individual but more as US, when it should have been YOU and I, 2 individuals that come together to beuild something stronger. A relationship consists of two people who can live WITHOUT each other but even stronger when they are together. I was young and stupid to the fact that the closer i am to her, the closer we''ll be, but it was the complete opposite was the truth. The strongest we ever was when i was in the philippines, we trusted and loved each otehr to the fullest although we were oceans apart. See a a relationship like holding on to a bar of soap, if you hold onto it to tight, it WILL slip. I wish i knew everything knew now DURING our relatisonship, because our love would still be strong right now. But as i sit here reminiscing and dwelling on what could have been, the love of my life is taking walks, dedicating songs,building what we had, with someone else. i held on to tight and i let it slip, but no one said i cant pick it up and start over (nh)
so to all you guys out there who have a good girl, cherish her love her and treat heer as a person you love and not as "yours"

1. i love her to death.
2. lost her to someone else.
3.i dropped the soap...(yeah so go read it)

and heres what i made her for her birthday(this is how much i love her), only took 2 months to make....
only includes (michael jordan, charles barkeley,)
Hold up, you made me read all that just to say you loved the girl that got away. Nevermind i done confused myself.
can you explain what officially ended the relationship? do you guys still talk? im in a similar situation myself...and yea it hurts
im not reading all of that but if you bought her shoes...

(JAY)never ever no matter the weather ever ever ever ever (Z) buy her shoes.... those will be the one she walks out of your life with...
Originally Posted by fenixconnexion

i read it... so is she with someone else now?

she said were gonne be best friends, and tell each other everything and that she needs time for school and her self
2 weeks later she doesnt wanna be best friends or anything and she finally tells me shes talking to someone new.... oh well
Originally Posted by DMasta718

hahahaha LOL
but there are more fish in the oceanbro...maybe you just wanted to love her so much you tricked yourself into thinking she was the one, when really the one could still be out there-
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