Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Nowadays, if the remote falls under the bed, I just
and tell myself “looks like I’m watching _______ for the night.”
I can relate to this :rofl:
Sometimes I'll walk into a room looking for something and completely forget what I was looking for. #Washed

Great news! Theres actually a scientific reason for that and it has nothing to do with being washed.

The underlying brain phenomenon responsible for this is what is known as an “event boundary”. Our brains compartmentalize events and tie them to the environment, or room, in which they occurred. By moving from one room to the next, the brain effectively creates a file containing all the information about the first room, and what you did there, and tucks it away. It then starts to focus on the second room. Thus, remembering what you intended to do upon leaving the first room is a lot harder than if you had simply crossed from one side of the room to the other.
I feel washed every time I see my hair. Was on a video call meeting yesterday and our room is up on the video and all I can see is how there’s a part of my head where the hair is thinning out. I better at least start working out - not ready for the personality only life.
I feel washed every time I see my hair. Was on a video call meeting yesterday and our room is up on the video and all I can see is how there’s a part of my head where the hair is thinning out. I better at least start working out - not ready for the personality only life.
Bosley fam. “You can mess that hair up if you want to.”
i knew i was washed when i bought a carpet cleaning vacuum the other day and was hyped about receiving it and using it SMH also some new luggage

Bruh. Looking for my phone EVERYWHERE! Went downstairs, upstairs, outside, in the car, walked up the block. In my pocket.

Looking for the remote, same thing. Right next to me on the bed the entire time.

My short term memory is slowly but clearly detioriating. I'll open up a new tab to Google something and if I read one page of a NT thread or watch a segment of tv show I'll forget what I wanted to google.

I use to be sharp as a cutco knife man.
Bout 2 years ago I started making alotta notes in my phone cuz I be forgetting stuff so quick :smh: ...I don’t even try to remember **** no more, just make a note soon as it’s on my mind and keep it moving :lol:
everytime i need to see something clearer, i need to hold the object further BACK! and still be amazed that it's actually clearer when it's farther away :0
Bout 2 years ago I started making alotta notes in my phone cuz I be forgetting stuff so quick :smh: ...I don’t even try to remember **** no more, just make a note soon as it’s on my mind and keep it moving :lol:

Using notes app in phone, washed.

I do the same though. #TeamWashed.
i knew i was washed when i bought a carpet cleaning vacuum the other day and was hyped about receiving it and using it SMH also some new luggage

I kinda like vacuuming. Only chore I don’t really mind doing

Hurt my foot early feb, finally got a doctor appointment at the beginning of March and he told me to wear sandals and get a pair of wide shoes to relieve any pressure from my foot. I’m out here wearing wide new balances and hating my self |l:smh:
I kinda like vacuuming. Only chore I don’t really mind doing

Hurt my foot early feb, finally got a doctor appointment at the beginning of March and he told me to wear sandals and get a pair of wide shoes to relieve any pressure from my foot. I’m out here wearing wide new balances and hating my self |l:smh:

Sounding like John Turturro in The Night Of
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