money and violence

Man Tai only lined 1 cat up and Black done lined up Damon call me choppa, rafe, and his lady's brother/cousin. LOL black by a mile
Black is essentially an older Tai, pure scumbaggery, lining up Peter so Paul can rob him and vice versa. Remember in Season 1 when Miz told his girl to watch what she says in front of people cause they be scheming? Black is def the "they" he was referring to.

Tai got the scumbaggery in his DNA cause his sister dirty too. As someone else said, wouldn't surprise me if Tai and Black are related too :rofl:
Finally got the 30 day trial to Tidal

Yoooo **** is litttt.

It looks super clean too.

Can't believe they took out the theme song from last season though
when is the next episode?

they might as well upload it next tuesday since its all over the web
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they need to hurry up and get cash and chyna story poppin goodness 

****** forgot all about that **** :rofl:

And :lol: at cats really in here mad about acne :lol: :lol:

Hopefully we get some nudity in this season :pimp:
I want to to see some raunchy sex scenes
I like that there aren't any sex scenes...although I wouldn't mind seeing jessica, shay, and miz side joint naked
****** forgot all about that ****


at cats really in here mad about acne  

Hopefully we get some nudity in this season

I want to to see some raunchy sex scenes
those are razor bumps lol..his barber did him dirty
Crazy the fact that Yeezy has Tidal popping right now and people are gonna find Money And Violence because of that... Jay-Z still making genius power moves from the shadows... 

I think i am so engulfed in the series because it was something that was birthed from the hood.. I created something that was conceived the same way unfortunately I was in a dying market.. 
 Not to mention i started at 21 when really I needed the info about life to start at 25 
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