Money Mayweather Leaves No Tip on a $25K Bill

Was it included in the bill?

Many times, gratuity is included in the price.

That's one thing they left out of the article
Of course the go to quote, "I went the extra mile to provide excellent service". Excellent service should be provided to whoever is the guest, millionaire or not.

200 wings for 150 ppl?

The hell 
Looks like a petty broad trying to get recognize. It's well know that mayweather is a very generous tipper in Vegas.
Restaurant/Service industry really has people brainwashed...

And the ironic part is that some of the same workers that want tips bash Mcdonalds workers for seeking $15 per hour :lol: General public doesn't want them to live off the system and they don't want them to earn more money...

Lot of disgusting fast food strike views. You dont think the service they provide is worthless. You think the people working those jobs are
— D'Brickashaw (@DragonflyJonez) September 5, 2014
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