Monta Ellis All-Star Snub Unappreciation Post (Chris Kaman? Really?)

Mar 1, 2005

C'mon Stern, replacing Brandon Roy with Chris Kaman
?! I thought they typically replaced injured players with another player of the same position (a guard for a guard, a forward for a forward). Do we really want to see Chris friggin Kaman in the All-Star game? Will he even be able to keep up with the pace of the game? I know the Warriors are awful but the Clippers are currently the 12th seed in the west. During this season, at one point or another almost everybody on the Warrior's roster has been out for a considerable amount of time. Monta's averaging 26 a game playing with 3 D-leaguers and is one of the most exciting players in the league. This might be worse than the Baron Davis snub a few years ago. A big SMH
Who cares.

The Warriors for the way their run don't even deserve to have an All Star.

Serves the franchise right.

Plus, more importantly, it lets Monta rest. Now let's just hope he doesn't somehow hurt himself while fishing.

edit - the Baron Davis snub from a couple of years ago was way, way worse.
promoting to the world can be a factor in his decision when it's so hard to choose. i guess Kaman playing for Germany (even though his grandparents were the only ones born there) in the last Olympics may have helped out a little.
wasn't expecting him to be an all-star

baron deserved it a couple yrs ago
heck, antawn shouldve been an all-star during one of those yrs
There's a chance Kobe sits out the all star game too, so Monta should be able to take that spot. 
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Have any of you sen Kaman play this year? Or are you just saying this cause he's a Clipper?

everyone expected monta not to be an all-star (even though he has good numbers). i wouldve put kaman before pau (because of the injuries) from the beginning. kaman definitely stepped his game up this yr.
Originally Posted by Goldmember


I know he's playing good and all but i just want an entertaining game..
That's the only reason I see in putting him in over Kaman. Otherwise there are a ton of dudes who didn't make it that had some kind of argument.

And like people said, the one I was mad about was Baron a couple of years ago.
Kama deserved to be an all-star.

I'm not a fan of replacing a guard with a center, or a forward with a guard, etc. but Kaman deserved it so no complaints.
Originally Posted by Goldmember


I know he's playing good and all but i just want an entertaining game..
Tim Duncan is boring but dude has been an all-star his whole career.

Congrats to Kaman, well deserved!
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

who was named to the team to replace chris paul?
Monta Ellis

Edit: What about Kobe and Roy?
Billups replaced CP, and Kaman is replacing Roy.

Tyreke is nice, but over monta? that was a joke right?

At least it wasnt Brooks over Monta. i would have been heated.
Ellis plays every minute of every game but he plays on one of the worse teams in the leauge therefore he gets snubed.
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