Monta Ellis All-Star Snub Unappreciation Post (Chris Kaman? Really?)

I still think Brooks should be in it. He is the best player on the Rockets and they are actual contenders for a playoff spot. Yes, that sucks for Monta not to get picked, but the Warriors are struggling. Dumb "rule," but it exists...
Originally Posted by LB510

Ellis plays every minute of every game but he plays on one of the worse teams in the leauge therefore he gets snubed.
exactly. come on now, you guys know how this works.

besides, Ellis isnt playing that well. he's not too far off the single-season turnover record, if i'm not mistaken.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Who cares.

The Warriors for the way their run don't even deserve to have an All Star.

Serves the franchise right.
Monta has worked his #@+ off this season, he deserves nothing less than to be in the all star game.

He's a competitor, I'm pretty sure he wants to be given that honor.

his stats are inflated because hes the only one with talent on that team and plays about 47mpg, he wasnt playing this good when Jackson was there.
Originally Posted by CP1708

There's a chance Kobe sits out the all star game too, so Monta should be able to take that spot. 

This would be ideal for both squads.
Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

his stats are inflated because hes the only one with talent on that team and plays about 47mpg, he wasnt playing this good when Jackson was there.
amen. tru dat.
Kaman definitely deserved it.

Lakers are trying to get KB to sit out, but we'll see what happens..
Kaman is more deserving than Monta. The Warriors are just way too balls to have an All-Star.
Danny Granger was an all star last year and his team had 19 wins at the all star break. Is there really that much of a difference?
People really think Monta should be on the team? with that record?

Roy should've been replaced by someone on the Rockets, either Brooks or Landry.
i just want to know ive heard people say that he doesnt make his team mates better. can anybody make radmonovic, tolliver, chris hunter, cj watson, devean george, Koby Karl better. and missing azubuike and different starting lineups all year. please explain
I think alot of people believe PPG alone puts you in all star contention. Cause there's no way you can look at Monta Ellis' overall production and say "he's an all star"
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Kaman deserved to be an all-star.

I'm not a fan of replacing a guard with a center, or a forward with a guard, etc. but Kaman deserved it so no complaints.

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I think alot of people believe PPG alone puts you in all star contention. Cause there's no way you can look at Monta Ellis' overall production and say "he's an all star"

Ok.  You want to talk overall production and not just scoring?  Well tell me what about overall production makes Brandon Roy an All Star over Monta.....aside from success of team.  You say theres no way that you think all star when you look at Monta's overall production, yet his stats are right there with Roy's.

So please explain.
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