More technologically Advanced? Germans VS Japanese.

Oct 27, 2002
Who is more technologically advanced? The Japanese produce awesome electronics no questions asked but so do the Germans, you see anything electronics labled"Made in Germany" then you know that price tag is going to be big $$$. It also seems like the German luxury automakers incorperate more advancedtechnology in their cars compared to Japanese luxury automakers. I've read that the Japanese are 10 years ahead of America is terms of technology, thenwhy don't they use their advanced technology in their cars, etc...

Just wondering...
The Germans are definitely the technological pioneers, especially in car tech, but Japan seems to refine whatever Germany puts out first.
what exactly are you talking about? powertrain? interior electronic features? safety features?

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

The Germans are definitely the technological pioneers, especially in car tech, but Japan seems to refine whatever Germany puts out first.

this is sort-of a good way of putting it, the japanese may not be neck and neck up-to-date but theyll give you similar features at a lower price and better gasmileage
Seems like the Japanese are advanced all everyday electronics but if they are so advanced with everything else why arent they pioneers when it comes to cars?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

The Germans are definitely the technological pioneers, especially in car tech, but Japan seems to refine whatever Germany puts out first.
Originally Posted by yoko206

Seems like the Japanese are advanced all everyday electronics but if they are so advanced with everything else why arent they pioneers when it comes to cars?


LFA is def advanced
German=Vehicles and Weaponry.
Japanese=Electronics, Efficienct cars, and Computers.

They both have good technology.
Originally Posted by yoko206

Seems like the Japanese are advanced all everyday electronics but if they are so advanced with everything else why arent they pioneers when it comes to cars?
Because they use some other country's idea, and refine it (better it). But they don't seem to take to many chances like Europeans andAmericans. It's smart in a way because it keeps them in the safe side.
The Japanese have 1000 foot Gundams chillin in the middle of the city, I'm a have to go with them.
Have not had the chance to visit Germany yet but I've been to Japan many times and the technology over there is impressive. Everything just seems so muchmore... efficient.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

The Germans are definitely the technological pioneers, especially in car tech, but Japan seems to refine whatever Germany puts out first.
neither...russia. they got nukes for days. i read about a program they had were if communication with the top command were lost the nukes will automatically beset off. and this program was created way back.
what are the germans so advanced with? so they have quick $500,000 cars made of paper...ok. japan dropped that gtr and proved that what the germans are doingwith cars isnt rocket science.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

neither...russia. they got nukes for days. i read about a program they had were if communication with the top command were lost the nukes will automatically be set off. and this program was created way back.
Yeah but their economy is getting them no where. Much of there planes, tanks, and ships are being either sold, remaining unchanged, or rustingaway from being poorly maintained. I guarantee you if Germany and Japan keeps growing (economically) they will have the man-power to be on par with Russia(unless the Russian economy picks up).
I go w/ Japan... More affordable car parts, better efficiency. It makes wonders how these two powerful countries of the Axis in the WWII become leaders in theauto industry today...
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