most expensive photo in the world vol. so full of life

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

A true masterpiece and easily my favorite work by Gursky.

Words cannot express just how magnificent and wondrous this picture is to me. It's a wild and vivid explosion of color caught in the eternal stillness of time. It attacks your senses like a raging animal and leaves you breathless like a spent lover. I can spend literally hours looking at this treasured beauty, introspecting and thinking about the world around me.
ravenclaw67 wrote:
with your permission sir, i will try to use this in one of my articles and see if the editor lets it slip. 

Lol, go for it.

Funnily enough I've just been going through some of Gursky's other work, he truly is a remarkable talent.
Here are some other pieces by him...

Spoiler [+]


Originally Posted by finnns2003

And here I take vivid photos of city scenes and I haven't gotten 1 dime. Ah, such is life.

You just gotta learn how to hype up your work.


I don't even know what to say..

I came in here expecting a Larry Clark or Kaws Photo..

But Damn.
C'mon Son.

I'd rather buy the following photos for  4.3 Million instead:


Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

A true masterpiece and easily my favorite work by Gursky.

Words cannot express just how magnificent and wondrous this picture is to me. It's a wild and vivid explosion of color caught in the eternal stillness of time. It attacks your senses like a raging animal and leaves you breathless like a spent lover. I can spend literally hours looking at this treasured beauty, introspecting and thinking about the world around me.

post of the day (maybe even week)
lol. really. lol at the price. you guys made some solid points on how you could just easily go out and take a picture similar to that.

i've seen the pictures posted at the official Photography thread and those photos are some of the best i've seen creativity-wise.
Again, you guys are judging the work based on how much it sold at auction. It's unfair to judge a work on a value that someone else placed on it. The artist didn't make it in 1999 thinking it would sell for the millions it went for.

Judge the work for it's merits. It captures perfect symmetry while having perfectly straight bands of color breaking up the space. It might sound pretentious but his work does capture a sense of isolation and disassociation with the world. The scale of the work is important too. The actual work measures 11ft wide x 7ft high. None of you guys are making chromogenic prints at that scale let alone capturing a picture like this

Seriously though, go to a museum that houses his works and see for yourself. They're pretty remarkable.
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

ravenclaw67 wrote:
with your permission sir, i will try to use this in one of my articles and see if the editor lets it slip. 

Lol, go for it.

Funnily enough I've just been going through some of Gursky's other work, he truly is a remarkable talent.
Here are some other pieces by him...

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Originally Posted by DajonDondo

this is real nice.

im gonna print it out.


I figured it would be because of the camera they used or something? But nooo... I cant figure it out either.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

I can't believe you guys aren't seeing the beauty and simplicity in this photo. It's pure genius, so many words to describe it yet so little......simply beautiful.

hey that dude paid 37,500 for the Mags when he could have waited and got them on ebay for less than 5...
funny thing is i have this picture too, copy, paste,print
It's amazing, that make the price about 300 000, but it's a Gursky, that makes it 4.3 million.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Why is it so expensive? Simple, because an idiot paid for it.

Isn't that how it goes in the art world?


Don't project your inabilities and mental vacuity unto others.

You're on NT of all places--meaning that at some point in the past you purchased shoes/kicks that were arguably expensive. By your logic, said shoes were expensive because you're an idiot, right?

Value is subjective. Only a fool would think otherwise, and ridicule another for what they hold to be valuable.

HAHAH ouch
His pictures are nice, but this is the plainest I've seen of his work.  The picture the op posted is bland though.  Here is the sold picture which I think is nice but still od for what it sold.

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

this is real nice.

im gonna print it out.


I figured it would be because of the camera they used or something? But nooo... I cant figure it out either.
I mean, that is part of it. You're not getting a print with that detail at that size (this print is 7'x11') without using a large format camera. Gursky photographs using Linhof 5x7 field cameras.
Value of a work sold at auction is always inflated. It's out of the artists hands. I can't even imagine how much his work will go for when he dies.
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

A true masterpiece and easily my favorite work by Gursky.

Words cannot express just how magnificent and wondrous this picture is to me. It's a wild and vivid explosion of color caught in the eternal stillness of time. It attacks your senses like a raging animal and leaves you breathless like a spent lover. I can spend literally hours looking at this treasured beauty, introspecting and thinking about the world around me.
What a slap in the face for photographers who dedicates days, months and YEARS of their time and have to wait for the precise moment something happens to capture it on film.

People who dedicate time and effort into studying lighting techniques and framing and put talent and skill into their photographs, only to be upstaged by a photo that, LITERALLY, any donkey with a dslr, a tripod, and photoshop can accomplish.

no respect for this guy, at all.
Reputation.... I'm looking at this other high priced stuff including paintings.. " Oh it sold for $5 million... 3s not that bad this time around".
GO to Calendar & Results up top and be prepared to be saddened at what actually SELLS.. You think Kanye's shoes or lebrons shoes are bad and their "fans". Art is on a whole other level

Also check out the ones on the right of the page.. Two basketballs in a tank? I could've done something like that in preschool and get yelled out for it being a stupid idea
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