most expensive photo in the world vol. so full of life

i actually really like the photo. its just his style, perfectly centered and everything its like you can get lost in the symmetry of everything.

here is the previous record holder, by the same photographer. sold for 3.4 million. i really think its just his name that sells the photos so high. i wonder if the people that bought it keep the negative and rights to the picture?

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

ravenclaw67 wrote:
with your permission sir, i will try to use this in one of my articles and see if the editor lets it slip. 

Lol, go for it.

Funnily enough I've just been going through some of Gursky's other work, he truly is a remarkable talent.
Here are some other pieces by him...

Spoiler [+]


I lol'ed. Hard.

NT I'm gonna start taking some photos and painting up some canvases on that Jasper Johns "throw a whole bunch of junk at something and keep what sticks" steez. Who wants to help hype up my reputation so they sell in the millions? I'll split the proceeds 80 / 20. 
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Time to capitalize on the hype...

I'm offering of the greatest MS Paint picture of all time for a steal of a deal at $2,000,000. I'm offering it up to my NT brethren first before going to the public. You can paypal that to me (please use gift though, those fees would be killer). Once the money is in my account, I'll email you the original file. If you're interested in this, I also have some oceanfront property in Kansas for sale and a bridge in New York that I can let go for half price. LMK.

Originally Posted by JD214

If you have the money, Why not?


Because you could pay a college student a few thousand to take the same picture.

Hell I can go shoot lake michigan if the market is like that.
I'm going to start an art discussion thread. I hope people that are interested in the subject and want to learn more and help others learn will participate. It's a subject I'm really passionate about and I'm not sure why I haven't thought of discussing it sooner.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

I'm going to start an art discussion thread. I hope people that are interested in the subject and want to learn more and help others learn will participate. It's a subject I'm really passionate about and I'm not sure why I haven't thought of discussing it sooner.

I'm down...
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

A true masterpiece and easily my favorite work by Gursky.

Words cannot express just how magnificent and wondrous this picture is to me. It's a wild and vivid explosion of color caught in the eternal stillness of time. It attacks your senses like a raging animal and leaves you breathless like a spent lover. I can spend literally hours looking at this treasured beauty, introspecting and thinking about the world around me.

I'm just not sophisticated enough to understand fine art
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

A true masterpiece and easily my favorite work by Gursky.

Words cannot express just how magnificent and wondrous this picture is to me. It's a wild and vivid explosion of color caught in the eternal stillness of time. It attacks your senses like a raging animal and leaves you breathless like a spent lover. I can spend literally hours looking at this treasured beauty, introspecting and thinking about the world around me.

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

this is real nice.

im gonna print it out.
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