most random question a stranger has asked you?

Scene girl: *lifts up shirt to reveal new bellybutton piercing* Can you tell me if this is bleeding?
....No it's not.
Scene girl: Okay thanks.

I guess I just look like the friendly black chick
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

"where the dro at" is not a random question
^^this. if i had a nickel for everytime someone asked me that...ive have 8ths for days.

stranger: ayy man u kno where the nearest strip club is?

naw man..

on a weekday afternoon too.
i was working valet one time and this guy rolls up with his shorty asking "we really need some condoms... where can we get some?"

Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

i was on omeagle 2 days ago.

me: Whats good
stranger: Hi
me: where u from
stranger: italy
stranger: How big are you
me: how big are your breast
stranger: i am a male
leaves chat room

Stranger: hey

You: Whats good

Stranger: cookies

You: Where you from

Stranger: utah

You: How big are your breast?

Stranger: there over 9,000!!!!!!
I was in high school and the school janitor walks up to me and asks what I would rather have, unlimited gold or unlimited time.
At work strangers ask me if i can try things on sometimes
its awkwardlike this lady was like my husband is around your size and she has like a few of these shirts in her hand
Originally Posted by goukiteg

I was in high school and the school janitor walks up to me and asks what I would rather have, unlimited gold or unlimited time.
this thread is funny

but the first one i though of is... "Hey, what nationality are you?"
So I was in starbucks drinking coffe,waiting for a friend and 2 girls walk up to me,both nice looking chicks too...and says "cool headphones,are theywireless or something because I dnt see any wires like a regular headphone?" Once I understood what she was talking about, I said "oh yeah I got themfrom bestbuy for 500$". They were surprised at the price, one of the chick gave me her numbe too. I wear hearing-aids by the way....LMAO
I was walking to the grocery store, one that is close to my house, and on my way there some crackhead comes up to me and asks, and i quote " Hey kid, youwant some wee wee?" he made a "smoking a cigarette" gesture as he says that...i was just like "naw man i'm cool"

i was like 14 or 15 at the time...but yea that was random to me
today this girl asked me if i was a freshman. cuz she wanted to do a survery of freshmen athletes.

guess all that time at the gym is paying off

Yea i did come in here & post this to make myself feel good. wat u gon do bout it?
i was with my girl in hollywood near the chinese theatre and some dude with glasses comes up to me (i was wearing glasses too) gives me props and i was like"sup.. do i know you?" and he says "nahh man just wana give props to another dude with glasses..." lol what the hell
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