Mother who breastfeeds her friend's son as well

I can't believe I watched a 10 minute YouTube video of a white lady giving herself an enema

She don't give a **** about no health. She's a freak. I saw the demonic lust in her eyes
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Some of y'all need to take health again. This is healthy and normal in many cultures (mine included).
I don't remember them teaching us about milk maids in health class. That's a topic you hear about somewhere else.
Some of y'all need to take health again. This is healthy and normal in many cultures (mine included).

the health risk is there. breast milk is a bodily fluid, and needs to be treated as such, its not like a woman who has an infection or disease is gonna produce a-1 breastmilk...its not sterile, breastmilk is reflective of the person it comes from. and hiv positive mother can transmit the virus to an infant via breastfeeding. maybe that mother is on medication, that puts infant at risk as well. or maybe mother us abusing drugs.

it may be commonplace in many cultures, and in many cases there is no issue. im just putting it out there that it can be a health risk given the right circumstances.
My homies wife died after birthing their son. They were only into natural living. He was sharing his story with a group of people he just met, and a newly engaged chick offered to feed the baby for a few days (kid had been out 3 days serving off of donated breast milk from another lady). I thought it was odd initially, and so did her fiance. But he let the lil man cook.

sidenote: breastmilk is a wonder drug.
If you ever get pink eye, squirt some breast milk in your eye and you are strait. Instantly.
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There's more to the story than on the surface. All three adults are having a sexual relationship and they're using the breastfeeding as an excuse for the other woman moving in with them.

This is a damn beautiful story.

Father teaching his son lessons in finesse EARLY.

Let people do what they goddamb want to.
Some of you are clearly slow. Nothing can't happen fr
Nibbling on a breast

You can watch diseases by consuming other people's bodily liquids
Some of you are clearly slow. Nothing can't happen fr
Nibbling on a breast

You can watch diseases by consuming other people's bodily liquids
I was specifically talking about sucking on breasts not nibbling. I specifically didn't say nibble.

The same would go for cunnilingus. **** if you're so concerned about consuming other ppl's bodily liquids, you probably test broads before you kiss them.
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I would also recommend Rain Florence's youtube channel. She has some nice sized ones and her nipple stimulation vid was a good watch. Someone make an emoji with a straw or milk mustache.
Brah I check out the channel

Ole girl giving herself enema's online, what part of the game is that

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When I read the title I pictured a very specific type of woman in my head, and turns out I was right. I don't even feel a type of way about this, what she does with her kids is none of my concern.
Came here for the comments/replies... Y'all def delivered. Some are way too funny
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