Motivational quotes to keep you going.

IDK if it's been posted but this is prepping me for the upcoming turbulent fall semester
During the toughest times in my life, I would often go to this thread and just read page after page. Eventually, I started to live by the words that I constantly read and I really became a changed man. A few years later, I'm now chasing my dream to become a film director and my first attempt at a serious short film pays homage to this thread. I hope I can inspire someone's life with this short film the same way I was inspired by this thread. 

themovieguy themovieguy , I probably should've posted this in your thread, but since I saw your vid in here first...that's some great work, man. :pimp: Makes me feel (along with the rest of this thread) like I'm on the right trajectory to do what I want in life, even though a momentary setback is inevitable at times. Here's to how far you've come && how far you'll continue to go in terms of pursuing your dreams...:nthat:.
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@Mojofilms, I probably should've posted this in your thread, but since I saw your vid in here first...that's some great work, man.
Makes me feel (along with the rest of this thread) like I'm on the right trajectory to do what I want in life, even though a momentary setback is inevitable at times. Here's to how far you've come && how far you'll continue to go in terms of pursuing your dreams...
@Toretto   Thanks, man... that means so much to me. You can post anywhere haha the important thing is that you actually watched it...i'm really happy it meant something to you. 

Good luck! just don't give up
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

On a post it note on my monitor.

Staying up late to prep for interview tmr... sigh.
. "Falling in love with a house or a car or a pair of shoes, it was a dead end. You save your love for the things that can love you back" 
One I just made up now, but I'm sure its been said in some way or form before:

"The only person who needs to believe in you is yourself."
(Now gotta just put that on an motivational image/poster and call it a day)
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