Movies that are slept on? vol. Half Nelson (2006)

I was looking through some of my blu ray/dvds last night & I didn't realize how many foreign movies I have. A lot of people don't watch them because of subtitles or overdubs but here are some incredible films I highly recommend.

Night Watch
A Russian horror/sci-fi/fantasy flick where the plot moves pretty quickly with a lot of action & special effects. This is a fan made trailer that's better than the studio released versions.

Brotherhood of the Wolf


Can't wait to see the Spike Lee remake. Interested to see what he does.

City of God

The Killer

Put John Woo & Chow Yun Fat on the map...

Infernal Affairs

The Departed was based on this Chinese movie... More people should see this movie.

Maria Full of Grace

This was such a powerful flick & the actress that played Maria, Catalina Moreno should've gotten more jobs after this...
[COLOR=#red]City of God is not slept on though. Not by any means. Not quite mainstream but definitely not slept on.[/COLOR]
Posting for later. Will be checking a lot of these movie out.

The Prestige
[COLOR=#red]City of God is not slept on though. Not by any means. Not quite mainstream but definitely not slept on.[/COLOR]

Agreed. One of the most critically acclaimed movies in the 2000s.

Maria Full of Grace, saw that in a Population and Society college course. Excellent movie.

I always recommend this book to movie buffs. It's like the encyclopedia of movies. He reviews every movie on a **** basis and for the most part I agree with his reviews. He's very impartial.

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Highly acclaimed, but disregarded by general population.
Still one of my favs all time.

This movie really messed with me. Literally broke up with my ex that same night so got on Netflix and wanted to cheer up, looked through the comedy section and decided to watch it....This movie is not a comedy! had me all in my feelings and I didn't even like the girl that much
Damn how the **** was this movie slept on. Some good suggestions but some very dumb ones.
I'm bout to peep Eastern promises
Can anyone tell me were I can find that war on drugs doc. The house we live in? Trailer looked dope it aint on demand
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Kingdom of Heaven looks pretty good. Going to have to make time and watch that this weekend.
[COLOR=#red]City of God is not slept on though. Not by any means. Not quite mainstream but definitely not slept on.[/COLOR]

A lot of people I know who count themselves as movie heads don't really watch foreign movies for whatever reason so whenever a thread like this has come up from time to time I include it as something I recommend. It's critically acclaimed but not mainstream.

I'm bout to peep Eastern promises
Can anyone tell me were I can find that war on drugs doc. The house we live in? Trailer looked dope it aint on demand

You might have a smaller cable provider or it may have run it's course since it's been out on VOD since mid January. It's available on Netflix. Should be on iTunes also. Some young heads here at work said they saw it on XBOX & PS3. I don't really play video games so I can't confirm. Hope that helps.

Kingdom of Heaven looks pretty good. Going to have to make time and watch that this weekend.

Don't look it up & see if you can spot Ed Norton & be sure to watch the director's cut. It's already an epic movie that's long so the director's cut ads another 45 mins which is worth it because it fleshes out the story.
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Agreed. One of the most critically acclaimed movies in the 2000s.

Maria Full of Grace, saw that in a Population and Society college course. Excellent movie.

I always recommend this book to movie buffs. It's like the encyclopedia of movies. He reviews every movie on a **** basis and for the most part I agree with his reviews. He's very impartial.

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[COLOR=#red]I definitely recommend taking a cinema related course or Pop/society related course as an elective in college if possible. Even if you are a STEM major. It opens your eyes to critical thinking and analysis...not to mention different viewpoints. Makes you a more well rounded person IMO.

Edit: psk, I get your point. True enough.[/COLOR]
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Howard the duck
Robocop 2 ( written by frank miller)
Stranger than fiction with will ferrell (minus the end)
The first gi joe cartoon movie
Woody allens midnight in paris
The third exorcist (that damn nurse scene lol)
Hero with dustin hoffman and gina davis
So i married an axe murderer
The mad max wit the thunderdome
Let the right one in 8) (critically acclaimed but i dont know many people that seen it)
The first two waynes worlds
The game with michael douglas
Pee wees big adventure
The second matrix
Soul in the hole
Don't look it up & see if you can spot Ed Norton & be sure to watch the director's cut. It's already an epic movie that's long so the director's cut ads another 45 mins which is worth it because it fleshes out the story.

Yeah I'm going to look for the director's cut. And I already know he's probably the king just from watching the trailer and reading your post :lol:
Don't look it up & see if you can spot Ed Norton & be sure to watch the director's cut. It's already an epic movie that's long so the director's cut ads another 45 mins which is worth it because it fleshes out the story.

Yeah I'm going to look for the director's cut. And I already know he's probably the king just from watching the trailer and reading your post :lol:

There are some historical inaccuracies with the movie that you can research on "the internets" if you care to. I've always been fascinated by the crusades but the errors didn't bother me as much like they did with a movie like Oliver Stone's Alexander (which was terrible IMO). I liked how Nasir, the Muslim commander was portrayed (actor Alexander Siddig) & I really liked the portrayal of Salah al-Din (Ghassan Massoud). Post back & let me know what you thought...
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Derailed is a movie that most haven't heard of but it's very good, unbelievable twist towards the end.

Lincoln Lawyer is worth a watch.

Minority report is my all time favorite sci fi and i feel that it doesn't get the credit it deserves. Mind blowing twist in the middle of the movie that basically sets a completely different plot.

I dont think it's possible to have a fave Spielberg film, but this movie is damn near flawless, on point casting and acting too, the side characters made the most of their screen time even if they were there for a min. Def felt like i got my moneys worth when i saw this in the theatre!

2001 a space odyssey
The professional
Little children
Born on the 4th of july
American me

Great film! I'll watch anything with kate winslet in it. The book is amazing as well!

my contributions:
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Also any wes anderson film, especially tenebaums, great cast in that too
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