Movies that aren't good ...unappreciation VOL. the movie trailer lied to me


Apr 18, 2009
Movies that you expected to be good but it actually wasn't... post some good and bad movies

Good movie would have to be the Shinning
Bad movie would have to be Scream 1-4. Yeah they are thinking about making a 4th movie.
The Spirit.I don't know how NT feels about this one,but that #$*# was HORRIBLE to me!
I left the theater feeling like I got robbed!
Originally Posted by spincv

Good movie would have to be the Shinning
Bad movie would have to be Scream 1-4. Yeah they are thinking about making a 4th movie.
the Shining you say?
SPIDER MAN 3 was a great disappointment to me they hyped that movie up for almost a year
Then read reviews before you go to the movies. If the trailer alone got you to buy a ticket than the promotion/producers did their job. Go to Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic and get a consensus critic opinion before you spend the money.
My biggest pet peeve is when trailers show the funniest parts of the movie..

Although thats how they draw you in to go see it, sometimes it sucks..
^^^ lmao. Paranormal Activity should have been 3 dollars because the only good part was the ending. This movie was hyped way more then it should have been. It was like 60 minutes of random *@#+ moving
2009 wasn't too bad

but virtually every movie that has been released this year has been a major disappointment
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