Movies that aren't good ...unappreciation VOL. the movie trailer lied to me

Never understood the hype behind Transformers, the first was so bad didn't care to see the second. Beyond the "action" you can't honestly say that was a good movie.
Spiderman 3, the trailers were so good, yet the movie sucked. Also Men In Black 2, I thought the trailer was hilarious and turns out those were the only good parts in the entire movie.

I watched it the other day and it was
Originally Posted by airkeung88

Miami Vice....

Man I fell asleep in that sorry movie

I thought Avatar was going to be so wack so glad my best friend talked me into seeing that.
I HATED this movie the first time I watched it, but going back and watching it again. I really liked it.
idk why I was expecting it to be something different at first so came out the theatre heated.

But recently I'm going to say Clash of the Titans. I wasn't expecting it to be that good anyway but I'm mad I spent 10 dollars on it


with a bubble like that this movie couldn't be bad.  It has everything according to a top movie critic.  well it sucked
Originally Posted by Jking0821


with a bubble like that this movie couldn't be bad.  It has everything according to a top movie critic.  well it sucked

 I have to check the "disagree strongly" box on this one.  This was a very funny movie.  I never saw a trailer, so maybe there was no let down.

Wolfman / Werewolf (or whatever that Benecio Del Toro movie is called) was bad.  The posters and trailer made me want to see it, but we walked out of it at what I assume to be the half-way point.  Only good actor was Anthony Hopkins (no surprise here).
I honestly believe some of you go in to theaters expecting GREAT movies every time. More often than not you can tell if a movie is going to be just ok. Watch previews and read reviews. That way when you do go see a movie like hot tub time machine you don't leave pissed because you thought it would be superbad funny.
Originally Posted by badjustin

The trailer of I am Legend was so
but overall the movie was not good. ending was mad corny

I remember seein a trailer waaaaay before the movie came out. Some of the stuff in that trailer wasnt in the movie...til I checked the alternate ending.

Seriously, the alternate ending is a whole different movie that's actually good and makes real sense. Find that !*$*.
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