Movies You Wish You Could Change the Ending To!

^^ No, the dad put a bullet in his sons head because he thought no help was coming LOL.

One of the better endings out there actually.
Originally Posted by Paul Is 0nline

Titanic -- Jack didn't deserve to die!!
That movie sucked so much %*% in the first place. How do you love somebody that much that you just met on a @*%+%#* cruise?
The Fog (Original) - Would've extended the last scene for a couple more seconds. It's still good though.
3:10 to Yuma

i kinda wish it didnt end the way it did. But the ending is bad +@@ and if it were changed it wouldnt show the significance of what the twocharacters went though.
I think messed up endings makes movies real. Not all things end in happy ending or with a resolution solved
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

any ending would have been better than the piece of crap ending to that piece of crap movie.
The Break Up ending wasn't what I was expecting.

Matrix Revolutions for sure.
Eagle Eye - Why did they have to hook up. Made the ending lame.

Oh and dude CLEARLY got shot in the chest, yet he had his arm in a sling. LOL come on hollywood. Dude was getting pumped with bullets in his chest.
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