Mr. Robot: Wednesdays at 10 PM on USA

Damn, was totally caught off guard by the delay. If the scene is vital to the episode, I don't see how they can just edit it out

Hopefully it doesn't cause some fiasco if they don't edit it. What a coincidence that the tragedy happened today
Salon TV critic tweeted:

The MR. ROBOT finale is getting pushed a week because it "contains a graphic > scene similar in nature to today’s tragic events in Virginia." Which, I watched it last night, and yep, yep it does.

I was actually just now working on a piece on the similarity for tomorrow AM.
But for those of you wondering if you've been hugely spoiled..

The finale will still surprise you in many, many ways.


They won't edit it.
After reading the above quote, I don't believe we see the unedited version.
I mean the reporter from the quote, is of the same mind of every reporter in the US of A.

Every newspaper in the Country would have been on this tomorrow, then Oprah, then the "USA (network)is tasteless for this, they could have edited, they have no respect etc etc etc"

No way we see it, unedited.
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I would think it would be edited, because why just do the same thing a week from now? 

I was cool with it because the suits mid season finale was enough for tonight.. lol
just stream the full episode on the USA network website. Like if you hit play with a full disclosure beforehand, it's all on you.
By "edited", I didn't mean cut out the entire scene. I meant make cuts to tone down the scene in question. Clearly, whatever scene it was, is vital to the way the episode plays out, and it's too late for reshoots. So they're trying to make it more palatable. That's my problem with the whole thing. Just show the damn episode as it was originally meant to be. Nobody is going to grab pitchforks and torches to protest a basic cable show.
Just finished episode 6. Damn. My bae, Shayla.

I would slap the hell out of tyrell then clap the cheeks of his hot wife.

I saw that the season finale was postponed because of what happened yesterday. Been keeping out of the thread since I was only up to episode 5.
Good interview. You can tell they have good chemestry. I hardly listen to Nerdist, but when that popped up on my frrd I got hyped.

Hope Slater doesnt take a bactkseat now that we know hes a figment of Elliot's imagination.
Finishing up episode 7.

Whoa at elliot being honest to his gine therapist. Didn't expect her to like anal porn.

Wth is up with tyrell. How is dude going to cover up stangling that woman?
This is the best show on television right now.  Period.

The cinematography is unmatched by any show currently on tv.  I am a little behind so I am not reading all of these pages, but this show is captivating.

Do you watch Hannibal? People say it has the best cinematography and visuals on tv.
This is the best show on television right now.  Period.

The cinematography is unmatched by any show currently on tv.  I am a little behind so I am not reading all of these pages, but this show is captivating.

scenes from eps 5 and 6 how the framing is used.



lack of connection between people
If you paid attention to any of my posts it was obvious to anybody posting that was the case. From the beginning of this show. Maybe you forgot or weren't there.
yup. i think you were the first person i got that from earlier in this thread or the other movie/tv thread. funny thing about the last ep, up until they were in the graveyard, i was about to change my mind and think that he was real. the whole scene in the computer shop was really, really good.

btw to the guy that didn't think this was the best newer show and named a bunch he liked better (including the horrible penny dreadful - damn man that show is crap), thanks for mentioning ray donovan. i'm almost done with season 1 and it's very enjoyable. despite all the star talent, not as good as mr robot so far but still really good.

Whoa at the Oenny Dreadful trash talk. That show is greatness and might be my favorite show right now. Sexy / creepy vampire creatures are great.
Penny Dreadful isn't trash at all. Just not on the same level in my and other's opinions.

To me it's a bit of a mistake to compare past an entertainment and interest level. That show is wildly different than this show or a few other shows mentioned when we had that discussion.
elliot was doing all this **** and he just "forgot" about it. pretty lame copout for the explanation for mr robot being fake

Yeah, I don't like that part. Dude is losing his mind but doesn't want to take his meds. He got to see his dad again but he couldn't even remember he was his dad.
Anyone think tyrell will get arrested for the murder? I'm thinking he'll get away with it somehow. But the husband already told the detectives tyrell was showing an interest in his wife and might've told them about that weird bathroom incident at their house. People must've also saw them talking at the party and the bartender was right there when the two were talking. He strangled her with no gloves so his skin cells might be found around her neck.
im not up to speed on current events. what exactly happened in Viriginia?

edit: nvmind so its not airing cause of a television reporter shooting
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I've binge watched the first 9 episodes over the past two nights and... :pimp: :pimp:

Favorite show since Breaking Bad. I love watching this type of show in partial ignorance to let the twists and turns truly hit me and blow my mind.

I watched Breaking Bad a second time to truly appreciate the work of art it was, and I'm thinking of re-watching this first season of Mr. Robot again before next Wednesday's finale. This show feels like a 70mph roller coaster and I love it.
shogun shogun I made a mistake in the movie thread by posting about Elliot's GF dying in ep 5.

Everybody that spoke on it in there dogged the show and this thread was nonexistent then, I think I spoiled that part for a lot of folks, on accident. But I was crushed, I couldn't believe it G
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My friend said this was good so I watched the first episode earlier today... now I'm on the fourth episode. This show is really good :nthat:
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