Mr. Robot: Wednesdays at 10 PM on USA

This is the best show on television right now.  Period.

The cinematography is unmatched by any show currently on tv.  I am a little behind so I am not reading all of these pages, but this show is captivating.
Do you watch Hannibal? People say it has the best cinematography and visuals on tv.
I watch Hannibal and it does.. Its beautiful.. 
shogun shogun I made a mistake in the movie thread by posting about Elliot's GF dying in ep 5.

Everybody that spoke on it in there dogged the show and this thread was nonexistent then, I think I spoiled that part for a lot of folks, on accident. But I was crushed, I couldn't believe it G

It sucks. I liked her character and she deserved better than what she got. The flashbacks and knowing that she only started getting supplied by that scumbag vera was because of the drugs elliot wanted. vera drugging, hitting, and raping her was sad. Then her getting a legit job only to get taken and murdered after was some tragic stuff.
Yeah you spoiled her death for me :lol:

It's all good, of course.. It kind of prompted me to start watching the show before anything else was accidentally spoiled for me.
^^Yea my bad man. I blabbed about it in there more talking to myself and those who watched, not knowing there was a thread or that anybody even cared.

I was catching up/binged and was a couple of eps behind the recent eps at that point and figured it mattered none. Glad you picked it up though, it's a good idea this show.
:lol: I know that feeling, sometimes you just need to talk about a show and there's not always an outlet.

Definitely glad I found this show when I did so I can enjoy a few episodes live with everyone else. Definitely one of my favorites this year.
I get that it can be boring to some/a lot of people. It's a pretty exhausting show to watch. People use entertainment for different reasons (some to get away from the dark reality of actual life).
I don't be doing that cuz I know what's going to happen.

A few times I'd watch with a girl and just looking at her face clearly being able to tell she didn't understand or wasn't interested had me disgusted :smh:
But yeah, for some reason girls don't get these shows (generalizing clearly, but it's 50/50 with a guy and a 10/90 with a girl).
I rewatched the first four episodes with my girl a few weeks ago, and she had the audacity to say it was boring.

Dumb *****. Reevaluating our whole relationship.

:rofl: :rofl:

For the record my girl loves the show. We're actually rewatching the season.
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My girl loves the show just as much as I do and that type of **** is why we have made it this far. :lol:
I get that it can be boring to some/a lot of people. It's a pretty exhausting show to watch. People use entertainment for different reasons (some to get away from the dark reality of actual life).
Yeah, I forget that a lot of people don't get a lot of the small references and nods to the hacker community.

I mean, I'm far from a hacker, but I think being technologically savvy helps with a show like this.

Not to mention the fact that it's a pretty complicated show outside of the technical aspect.

She couldnt get into Breaking Bad, either.:smh:

She loves Game of Thrones, though. Only thing keeping us together. So I guess we have a few more years together.:lol:
I don't be doing that cuz I know what's going to happen.

A few times I'd watch with a girl and just looking at her face clearly being able to tell she didn't understand or wasn't interested had me disgusted :smh:
It genuinely irked me, man. Had me wanting to look over and yell 'ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!':frown:
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No one I know watches this show. I feel like I'm out here spreading the gospel. This thread is the only discussion outlet. I think it being on USA have it a negative stigma.
i cannot wait :evil:

i stand by my appraisal of penny dreadful. first season was overacted hokey trash. go make a separate thread - name it shows that are doodoo.
 Reddit is the perfect/worst kind of place for a show like this.

If you think NT can overanalyze and catch every  detail sometimes, reddit is just as good/bad 
I show you where to bury the body fam
Anyone think tyrell will get arrested for the murder? I'm thinking he'll get away with it somehow. But the husband already told the detectives tyrell was showing an interest in his wife and might've told them about that weird bathroom incident at their house. People must've also saw them talking at the party and the bartender was right there when the two were talking. He strangled her with no gloves so his skin cells might be found around her neck.

I was thinking about this and was wondering something similar. I remember he wiped off her mouth because they kissed. I didn't know why she didn't scratch up his face during the strangulation. She could have had his skin cells under finger nails.

I don't want to be that guy, and maybe it is because we are living in a very sensitive time, but I don't see why they had to delay the airing of the episode because it has a scene either similar or identical to what happened to the reporters on Wednesday. I understand if they pulled a Law & Order ripped from the headlines scenario, but this was totally coincidental. I remember something similar happened to the movie Neighborhood watch around when Trayvon Martin died. I get why, but in all honesty if I was a family member or friend I wouldn't be offended. For one, I probably wouldn't be watching movies or TV at that time anyway. Secondly, I would understand that the movie or tv show was filmed prior to the incident so any similarity is purely coincidental.

I think that people are too afraid of the social media backlash, and only do things like this to appear caring or concerned.

Finishing up episode 7.

Whoa at elliot being honest to his gine therapist. Didn't expect her to like anal porn.

Wth is up with tyrell. How is dude going to cover up stangling that woman?

Best part of the ep.

If anyone cares Rami Malek and Christian Slater were on the last Nerdist podcast

I will look into this, thanks......................................Did they reveal any gems we might have missed from past episodes?
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As he was choking her, her hands were near his eyes. She should've tried to gouge his eyes out. Guess she's just not used to the rough stuff with that boring husband of hers.
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