MTV Presents The Challenge: Fall 2011, Cast Spoilers (pg. 49)

Laurel going INNNNN

Originally Posted by shogun

I think everyone's too scared to pick on Leroy.  He'd murk them.

no one wants to mess with the black dude

plus leroys cool and stays in his lane
Originally Posted by shogun

I think everyone's too scared to pick on Leroy.  He'd murk them.

no one wants to mess with the black dude

plus leroys cool and stays in his lane
Originally Posted by shogun

I think everyone's too scared to pick on Leroy.  He'd murk them.

LeRoy knows his role and plays it well. He was the realest dude in Real World and he still is. But CT would !+#+ on him... twice in the same hour!
Originally Posted by shogun

I think everyone's too scared to pick on Leroy.  He'd murk them.

LeRoy knows his role and plays it well. He was the realest dude in Real World and he still is. But CT would !+#+ on him... twice in the same hour!
Originally Posted by Cookie

Originally Posted by shogun

I think everyone's too scared to pick on Leroy.  He'd murk them.

no one wants to mess with the black dude

plus leroys cool and stays in his lane

I don't know about scared of, but he don't get involved in all the drama, he don't cause no drama. Like he told Mike look you play with them so they play you. He keeps to his self.Where was CT during all that, prolly laying pipe in Mandi, cuz I ain't see her either.
Originally Posted by Cookie

Originally Posted by shogun

I think everyone's too scared to pick on Leroy.  He'd murk them.

no one wants to mess with the black dude

plus leroys cool and stays in his lane

I don't know about scared of, but he don't get involved in all the drama, he don't cause no drama. Like he told Mike look you play with them so they play you. He keeps to his self.Where was CT during all that, prolly laying pipe in Mandi, cuz I ain't see her either.
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