MTV Presents The Challenge: Fall 2011, Cast Spoilers (pg. 49)

weak episode
Choo Choo CT is a fool anyone in his way is getting trucked no matter if its Johnny Tyler hell he might hit Adam for old time sake.
Choo Choo CT is a fool anyone in his way is getting trucked no matter if its Johnny Tyler hell he might hit Adam for old time sake.
CT pulls another Duel 
I have a feeling he wins the battle, but he'll lose the war... they're gonna get disqualified for some bull ##*! rule!
CT pulls another Duel 
I have a feeling he wins the battle, but he'll lose the war... they're gonna get disqualified for some bull ##*! rule!
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Tyler with some closet racism towards Roylee?

Yea I saw that too but you can't take it serious dude was talking out his $!% because he was so scared and emotional
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