MTV 'Teen Mom' Farrah, Gets Sprewell by Her Mother...

Originally Posted by proper english

girl is OD out of control tho.

This. She wants to party and all that good @%%# but barely be a mother herself. Tells her mom to be quiet and yell while living off HER dime.
Originally Posted by HyphySole

farrah needs to give that baby it up.
(Shes 18)

On a side note... who is the babys daddy? i've never seen dude?
Originally Posted by dakid23

Originally Posted by HyphySole

farrah needs to give that baby it up.
(Shes 18)

On a side note... who is the babys daddy? i've never seen dude?

her and her mother decided when she was pregnant that she wasn't gonna have the father in their life because he was controlling or some crap like that.
All the bs Farrah gave her mom and the mom in jail? That dont make no damn sense. Farrah is a spoiled brat with a kid thinking that everything is gonna be thesame. She should be graceful that her mother didnt kick her out or didnt neflect the baby cause i l know certain parents would do that. I'm happy that themother choked her but if i was her, i swear Farrah would be in the hospital
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by True Blues

KatieJade4 wrote:

thytkerjobs wrote:

HOVKid wrote:

I can't watch that show anymore though because I watched that episode where the two really fat people fight all the time and the mother brings the
kid to the hotel and the father has a reverse chin
scum of the earth


the kids gonna grow up to hate her. i was
when she got mad
because her man's mom couldnt babysit because she found a job. it's YOUR baby ***** figure it out. I'm not a fan of her bf but point blank he
works and she doesnt. He shouldnt come home to that disaster of a house. She should have food ready and the house clean since hes the one going out and
making money to raise their kid. All she wants to do is sit on her *!@ and complain/spit out orders. I really cant stand her.

Couldnt have said it better myself!



She's worse than Farrah IMO if that's even possible. Dude is going to leave her. I was
when she started whaling on him. How you gonna ask to borrow his car when he's at work providing for the baby when yours broke down and then get mad at him?

shes the reason i keep my weapon concealed
Farrah probably deserved it

She always shows mad disrespect to her mom.
Shes  always out getting piped and her mom always takes care of the kid.

Kid going to grow up lost and out of control.
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