My body is changing for the worst - story

Dec 20, 2000
I really don't know whats going on with me lately, I think I have some medical issues. But anyways let me tell you what happened to me today.

So me and my brother decide it would be a good idea to go to hometown buffet today for breakfast, so we get there around 10, and wait in a long line for a good15 minutes. Finally we get a seat, and go to the buffet. We are grubbing eating some great reheated buffet food.

Out of no where this little fat kid comes running to a table next to mine yelling, dude is fat like Chunk from the goonies rocking a extra small soccer shirtjust like this


Little dude yells " YOU GUYS, YOU GUYS MORE WAFFLES!!!!!!!"

Then I swear to god he gives a Tiger Woods fist pump


So then me and my brother are basically sitting there dying laughing, I haven't laughed that hard this year. And that was the bad part, as I laughed Ipee'd on myself a little bit

Has this ever happened to you?
damn yo have over 22000 posts but n e way damn that is
i would have loved to have seen your face after you realize you pissed onyourself
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