my brother just totalled my car

My brother totalled my BMW...I was soo pissed at him...I know the feeling, but i knew it wasn't his fault..What sucks is the insurance company IMMEDEATLEYcanceled my policy and returned my original payment to avoid paying for any damages...That made me more pissed...I would contact the insurance company to seeif you brother is covered on your policy, because my brother was not...

How high is his insurance? I knew a girl who totaled 3 cars and the insurance company no longer wanted to cover her.
Originally Posted by wj4

How high is his insurance? I knew a girl who totaled 3 cars and the insurance company no longer wanted to cover her.
I know a guy whos 21 driving an STI and has totalled 3 cars paying around $8k a year...

Wow an over privileged "rich" (read: parents have money) kid who has no idea of the value of a dollar wrecking an overly expensive status symbol?I've never heard that story before.

Time for someone to be cut off and start driving a car that he pays for, maybe he will learn to be semi responsible and not drive like an idiot.

And before all the "YOU MAD?" pics, this is coming from an over privileged "rich" kid.
Dang I feel for you my man. I totaled my Range last fall at school and ended up being found at fault even though the trick was speeding trying to make itthrough the light before it turned red!
Mom dukes was like that's awhip most people will never get to see in life and still haven't gotten me a new whip so I've been bumming rides ever since.
Here's some pics of what was left of mine.


Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by MvP07

who cares, it happened. Let it go, crap can get replaced.
does it seem like i'm making a big deal out of this? the first thing i asked him was if he was ok.

i'm making a much smaller deal of it than most people would.

and thanks to whoever pointed out the fact that i didn't actually "let" him borrow it, he took it anyway.

i don't know what i want next, i guess i'll drive one of my mom or dad's cars until i find something i like, they don't mind. hopefully something with 350+ hp and a 6-speed?

ill try to get pics of the wreck if i can, i actually don't even know what happened to the car/where it is now. what do they do with a totaled car anyway?
sounds like ducktales to me. your brother just totaled a car and then he totals yours and you dont know what happens to totaled cars??? youdon't even know what happened to the car? what?
I know this may seem mean, but you had it coming dude. Every time you post you come off as a egotistical closet racist who thinks he knows everything. Hopethis humbles you just a tiny bit because you need it. Have a good day bro.
Originally Posted by alife epidemix

both of these cars are manuals and very easy to drive.

That really sucks, but it sounds like your fam is pretty loaded especially if you aren't making a big deal of it.

haha auto, my bad. well i mean insurance covers it more or less, although obviously it's gonna go up a lot to cover him.
one of my sister's friend been through like 5-6 cars and she's like 23 and her insurance refused to cover her after like the 3rd vehicle so her familyhad to switch companies

but a telephone pole?? how did that happen...give the dude a bus pass or something...son has no business driving any car if he gonna hit a telephone pole
Originally Posted by NASTii SWAG 23

I know this may seem mean, but you had it coming dude. Every time you post you come off as a egotistical closet racist who thinks he knows everything. Hope this humbles you just a tiny bit because you need it. Have a good day bro.

egotistical? yeah. racist?
uhhh no.

every day is a good day bro. thanks.
Originally Posted by NASTii SWAG 23

I know this may seem mean, but you had it coming dude. Every time you post you come off as a egotistical closet racist who thinks he knows everything. Hope this humbles you just a tiny bit because you need it. Have a good day bro.

U mad
Originally Posted by DB WEST

How in the hell do you total a $80k whip? You have to be damn near trying to crash it.
There's a reason why its called an "accident"

Price of the car doesnt matter, it happens to even the best of drivers.
You dont really care he wrecked your Range......

Not long ago you said you were tired of your lame ##%! range rover. didnt you make a thread on m5 not long ago?

ya fam got money too, you good. lil bro will get a slap on the wrist an youll get an even better car than before
i would beat the @#@! out of my brother if he had did that.

I dont get how rich parents treat their kids like this my family is def. upper middle class and we got a couple nice cars and stuff but no payments at all,since my parents pay for EVERYTHING in cash. Im 17 and i dont have a car yet because Ive got to buy it myself and even though i have enough money now, Ive gotto wait til im 18 before my fam will even let me get my license.

Ur brother def sounds overpriveleged. Its time you send him out to the projects to make it on his own with a goddam welfare check and no help from your fam
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