my daughter starts HS tomorrow, anybody else in my shoes... vol. chastity belt .....

No disrespect but she will most likely get a boyfriend. The hard part is to make sure that dude is clean. The nicest dudes do the dirtiest things(drug wise and so).
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Yeah instead of taking the overprotective route like the father in Player's Club....spend a lot of time educating, parenting, informing your daughter of the male perspective and make it easy for her to communicate with you.  You don't want her peers and classmates being the ones that advise her and pressure her into "keeping up" and trying to be the norm. 

absolutely right , we have a great relationship and she's respectful of me and herself. she's a great kid , honor student the whole bit. only thing that scares me is that she's really starting to " blossom " and shes really pretty, shes gonna get attention for sure that shes not used to . but i definitely aint the bible slapping super strict dad, i want her to tell me anything and so far she comfortable enough with me and does so. '

it's u bastards that got me stressed

This. Put a little faith in your daughter. If you brought her up well, then she's less likely to make a horrible decision.
Originally Posted by Tony Montana

Pics ? srsly though    

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

how long before some idiot asks for pics? I say within 2 pages
First page. Has to be a record.
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

she'll be alright

if you been a positive presence in her life i'm sure you raised her to respect herself

she will have sex at some point in her life and you can't control that but if you did your job she'll be straight

day before i started HS my dad sat me down and was like "don't do drugs, don't hop into the car w/anyone, and don't listen to any boys cuz they just wanna get in your pants"

that was the closest thing to a sex talk he ever had w/me

oh man i tried having that talk with her the other night and we both couldn't stop laughing at how awkward it was , %%@% was rough

i swear i can see my goatee getting grayer by the minute
i laughed at my dad but i knew he was right...she laughed but i'm sure she heard what you said
The majority of girls I have dated with no father figure have all lacked confidence, despite some being gorgeous, were more inclined to engage in sex quickly as they thought it was necessary to keep a man's attention early on, and were veryyyyyyyyy very naive. 

That is the one quality I look for in a woman...common sense/perspective.  I don't do the naive/believe anything trait that a lot of females possess.  

The simple fact that she has you in her life and you have been a strong presence already places her ahead of the game. 
Originally Posted by trak1sh

I feel bad for you op....the next couple of years are definitely going to be tough.

tell me about it , my other daughter is 2 years behind her so i'll be going through this for awhile ...

hopefully by then i'll be seasoned ..... hopefully ......
No disrespect but I think you are letting the media (yes including NT) get to you. It's not that bad out there especially for people with solid upbringings.

@ CC1995 raising his kid to be a sex addict. Wth?

But man i would kill myself if i had a girl (not literally) cause i couldnt imagine how protective id be of her around this age

I really want a son..

But ill tell u this bruh... If shes a great kid & carries herself well , has a good relationship with u, smart .. then she'll be ok.

If shes pretty though (of course you say she will be cause thats ur little girl but we'd only know if u post pics
im kidding) well then u can expect her to get boys' attention...

And the only thing u gotta worry about is her getting a big ego off that.. If she starts letting all the biys get into her head then well .. they can just go off the railing sometimes if u know what i mean..
Sounds like you guys have a good relationship, which typically leads to the daughter respecting herself moreso than others. At least from my observations.

I also agree with Moody regarding high school/sex/drugs...It's really not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Especially if you have that presence in her life.
I feel for you though OP, as long as you raised her right she should be fine.
Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

HS you say? 

knew i came to the right place with this


that chicks dad has nothing to worry bout except the cost of her meds
Originally Posted by HankMoody

@ CC1995 raising his kid to be a sex addict. Wth?

  i wouldn't go that far, but when he gets of high school age, i'll encourage him to have his fun as long as he's responsible.  i won't lie though it's a huge double standard with me, if i had a daughter it would be completely different.
doesnt matter what you do to prevent it, if she wants to have sex she's going to find a way to do it. best you can do is teach her to wait and hope she does.
wow , i really gotta be like the oldest dude here , nobody else sharing my boat ?

might be time for meth to create NT senior .......
OP, if you been doing your job up to this point, and I assume you have, then you should be fine.
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