my dudes on NT, do you feel bad when.....vol. Should I?

Aug 1, 2008
do you feel bad when you break a girl's heart or when you hurt her?
not really cause if you broke it there must be a reason on the other hand if i cared for yea i would feel bad
If I didn't mean to hurt her feelings..................then I would feel bad.
idk, there's a long story behind all this, but no she didn't desreve it, but then again i didnt blatenly(sp?) do, it just kind of happened and shekeeps sendin me messages making me feel bad. i mean i know it's wrong but like i said it wasnt meant to happen the way it did.
If u broke her heart cause u feel like u had a Legitimate reason too then i wouldnt feel as bad... but i still would hurt for her
especially if u actually cared for her
yeah...but you gotta do whats best for you...assuming you didnt cheat or do anything foul
i always do and yet i have consistently done it to the women i've dated over the past two years. perhaps that's why the one woman i want right nowisn't letting her guard down?
not a dude..but there was only one time i didn't feel bad.. and that's because she brought that @%*@ upon herself.
oh nah, i'm not a cheater but i might as well tell the story....

it all started back in 9th grade (i'm a Junior now) when i liked this girl and she like me but she was pressed "in love" with her bf at the timeso that didn't work out. so at teh end of the year she moved and we pretty much stopped, FF to this past summer... i find out i'mmoving so i put it as my status on FB, and what school i'd be going to. it turns out that it was the same school that the girl moved to, so we exchangednumbers and started talking, kinda picking up where we left off freshman year. then i grow a pair and ask her to be my girl, she says yes. so we go out ondates over the summer and everything is gravy but it seems like when school started #$%^ took a turn for the worse. we would lieterally have a good day, then abad day, and she wasn't giving me any PDA. we worked past that then one day she was over my house and some events led up to her puttiin me up on herknowledge, lol(insert kobe tounge gif.). then i was returnin the favor and something didn't seem right but i didn't really let it phase me. thatweekend we had a big fight and i was venting to my friend on FB and the subject came up about what my ex and i did earlier that week, and i was tellin herabout that "thing that didnt set well with me" and we just went on with the, me and my ex made up and so she asked if she could changemy FB status since i wasnt home (like i couldnt have done that on my own.) so i said yeah and gave her my pass, and everything was good until she txt me acouple hours later basically saying that she had read the convo i had with my friend earlier and that she was really hurt/embarrased etc. so then there wasthis tension b/w for a good min, and she ended up breakin up with me.
so then about a week later she was saying that she wanted to get back with me and that she was sorry for breakin up with me and i kept sayin i think we shouldjust be friends, b/c things were really awkward b/w her and me. so the friend thing wasn't workin b/c she said she couldn't be my friend b/c she lovedand i guess you can't be friends with someone that you love, then she hit me with the, "if you really loved me you'd give me another chance".and i was like idk my feelings have just changed, i coulndt explain it, the spark was gone. so i guess in a last ditch effort to get me back she pushed meaway, by telling me she hated me and that i was the worst mistake she had ever made. (i do this day, do not understand how tellin someone you hate them willbring them closer to you, i think it was just a cover up.) then the tension between us grew even more to the point where some days we just flat out didn'ttalk to each other and today was one of those days.....
today's story: i was in class and she walked in and sat in her seat, next to me, and since she wasn't at school yesterday (b/c she was sick) i jokinglysaid, look who decided to come to school today, with a smile. then she just gave me a shoulder shruh and didnt even look at me, so i figured she was havin oneof those days when she's all moody (which happens all the time, part of the reason why the flame died) so i left her alone and didn't say anything toher all class b/c i didn't want to start up any arguments like we normally do.

so i get home, log on FB and there's this long message from her saying how she tried to be my friend even tho i put her business out to my friend. and shewas all mad b/c she said i don't even compliment her or anything(apparentley she saw the comment i left on my other ex's homecomming pic saying thatshe looked cute. stalkin much?) so she went on to say i treat her differently and worse than all my other friends and basically that she's done with meperiod. and that everything i ever told her was a lie. she said that i killed her self esteem b/c of what i said to my friend in that convo on FB a month back,but she still got her spirit.

now i'm feeling bad b/c i from the jump i never meant to let things get like this, in the beginning i really did have strong feelings for her but i justgot tired of our constant disagreements. i really am sorry but she'll never believe me, and i wanna just shrug my shoulders, say it's whatever and moveon, but i feel bad b/c i still care for her (not like a girlfriend) but she makes it hard to do so. so i guess things between me and her are thru. dang thenthis year is gonna be really long b/c ihave like 4 classes with her.

but it's not like anybody read this far anyway.

oh and michealfoooo, she cries a lot, that's something else that makes me feel bad, b/c she get to cryin in class while we arguing and i feel really bad,and she was tellin me she be crying herslef to sleep
.and she really was a good person, but i guess we should just go our seperate ways.
Originally Posted by aaronj

oh nah, i'm not a cheater but i might as well tell the story....

it all started back in 9th grade (i'm a Junior now) when i liked this girl and she like me but she was pressed "in love" with her bf at the time so that didn't work out. so at teh end of the year she moved and we pretty much stopped, FF to this past summer... i find out i'm moving so i put it as my status on FB, and what school i'd be going to. it turns out that it was the same school that the girl moved to, so we exchanged numbers and started talking, kinda picking up where we left off freshman year. then i grow a pair and ask her to be my girl, she says yes. so we go out on dates over the summer and everything is gravy but it seems like when school started #$%^ took a turn for the worse. we would lieterally have a good day, then a bad day, and she wasn't giving me any PDA. we worked past that then one day she was over my house and some events led up to her puttiin me up on her knowledge, lol(insert kobe tounge gif.). then i was returnin the favor and something didn't seem right but i didn't really let it phase me. that weekend we had a big fight and i was venting to my friend on FB and the subject came up about what my ex and i did earlier that week, and i was tellin her about that "thing that didnt set well with me" and we just went on with the, me and my ex made up and so she asked if she could change my FB status since i wasnt home (like i couldnt have done that on my own.) so i said yeah and gave her my pass, and everything was good until she txt me a couple hours later basically saying that she had read the convo i had with my friend earlier and that she was really hurt/embarrased etc. so then there was this tension b/w for a good min, and she ended up breakin up with me.
so then about a week later she was saying that she wanted to get back with me and that she was sorry for breakin up with me and i kept sayin i think we should just be friends, b/c things were really awkward b/w her and me. so the friend thing wasn't workin b/c she said she couldn't be my friend b/c she loved and i guess you can't be friends with someone that you love, then she hit me with the, "if you really loved me you'd give me another chance". and i was like idk my feelings have just changed, i coulndt explain it, the spark was gone. so i guess in a last ditch effort to get me back she pushed me away, by telling me she hated me and that i was the worst mistake she had ever made. (i do this day, do not understand how tellin someone you hate them will bring them closer to you, i think it was just a cover up.) then the tension between us grew even more to the point where some days we just flat out didn't talk to each other and today was one of those days.....
today's story: i was in class and she walked in and sat in her seat, next to me, and since she wasn't at school yesterday (b/c she was sick) i jokingly said, look who decided to come to school today, with a smile. then she just gave me a shoulder shruh and didnt even look at me, so i figured she was havin one of those days when she's all moody (which happens all the time, part of the reason why the flame died) so i left her alone and didn't say anything to her all class b/c i didn't want to start up any arguments like we normally do.

so i get home, log on FB and there's this long message from her saying how she tried to be my friend even tho i put her business out to my friend. and she was all mad b/c she said i don't even compliment her or anything(apparentley she saw the comment i left on my other ex's homecomming pic saying that she looked cute. stalkin much?) so she went on to say i treat her differently and worse than all my other friends and basically that she's done with me period. and that everything i ever told her was a lie. she said that i killed her self esteem b/c of what i said to my friend in that convo on FB a month back, but she still got her spirit.

now i'm feeling bad b/c i from the jump i never meant to let things get like this, in the beginning i really did have strong feelings for her but i just got tired of our constant disagreements. i really am sorry but she'll never believe me, and i wanna just shrug my shoulders, say it's whatever and move on, but i feel bad b/c i still care for her (not like a girlfriend) but she makes it hard to do so. so i guess things between me and her are thru. dang then this year is gonna be really long b/c ihave like 4 classes with her.

but it's not like anybody read this far anyway.

oh and michealfoooo, she cries a lot, that's something else that makes me feel bad, b/c she get to cryin in class while we arguing and i feel really bad, and she was tellin me she be crying herslef to sleep
.and she really was a good person, but i guess we should just go our seperate ways.
was looking for cliff notes and saw that. you're right.
Originally Posted by aaronj

oh nah, i'm not a cheater but i might as well tell the story....

it all started back in 9th grade (i'm a Junior now) when i liked this girl and she like me but she was pressed "in love" with her bf at the time so that didn't work out. so at teh end of the year she moved and we pretty much stopped, FF to this past summer... i find out i'm moving so i put it as my status on FB, and what school i'd be going to. it turns out that it was the same school that the girl moved to, so we exchanged numbers and started talking, kinda picking up where we left off freshman year. then i grow a pair and ask her to be my girl, she says yes. so we go out on dates over the summer and everything is gravy but it seems like when school started #$%^ took a turn for the worse. we would lieterally have a good day, then a bad day, and she wasn't giving me any PDA. we worked past that then one day she was over my house and some events led up to her puttiin me up on her knowledge, lol(insert kobe tounge gif.). then i was returnin the favor and something didn't seem right but i didn't really let it phase me. that weekend we had a big fight and i was venting to my friend on FB and the subject came up about what my ex and i did earlier that week, and i was tellin her about that "thing that didnt set well with me" and we just went on with the, me and my ex made up and so she asked if she could change my FB status since i wasnt home (like i couldnt have done that on my own.) so i said yeah and gave her my pass,
Stopped reading right there.

the hell is your problem son?

Mike help me out from the grave....

-The Juice
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