My friend wants to be more than a friend vol. IONO MAN. pics included

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by All Ready

Friendship will never be the same if you turn her down
+1. I have a good friend that I friendzoned myself way back just for this. Her friendship means more to me than a year (if that) of being bf/gf and not keeping in touch afterward. She's a good looking girl, but I just can't see us dating.

It's really your call. It can work out for the best and you guys would be happy together for a long time (not saying forever because that's really unpredictable). Or you guys can be together for a short time and possibly jeopardize your friendship.
This is absolutely true. I friendzoned one of my homegirls when I was in college back in like 01-02 and it hasn't been the same between ussince. I knew in the long run it wouldn't work and I've never had an ex I wanted to keep talking to so I just deaded her early. She was
and I was
. All bad.
smash both. its gonna end bad either way. if you smash both you have a story to tell. i smashed cousins how about you.that sounds good.
the way i see it is you have no chance with the cousin (girl b). Why? because if she gets wind that her cousin (girl a) likes you than she wont be with youbecause she (girl b) wouldn't do that to her cousin (girl a). so IMO your best bet is to see where it goes with girl a.
Sorry but I'm callin' Total BS........No 19yr old male would ever say "I cant see myself smashing" and mean it, bull effin' crap I sayand poppycock even
Why do dudes think its funny to try and track down the chicks and point them to these kind of posts?
I really would love to hear the answer.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Why do dudes think its funny to try and track down the chicks and point them to these kind of posts?
I really would love to hear the answer.
Boredom and e-props.
man i didnt read all this, but just smash and live life one day at a time $%@+
If you dont smash than you a leader in the Limp Hand Ghey Club.

so h/o u guys actually believe these two are cousins and he didnt mention it in the Op? r u guys serious? dudes on nt are so damn gullible.
happened to me last summer, i didnt talk to the chick for 2 weeks because i kinda wanted everything to blow over. after the 2 weeks we havent been good friendssince, so its a lose lose situation basically.
u want her to still be ur friend right?

this is what u do...

give her the "i think of u as my sister" speach...

she will still feel turned down, but it wont ruin the relationship...a few days later everything will be all good

good luck bro
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