My friend wants to be more than a friend vol. IONO MAN. pics included

Originally Posted by nelly28

shes mad ugly

I'll be sure to inform her of this situation next time I see her at S.F. State
There is no possible way to turn her down and still be close friends. Maybe she'd be cool with you for another month or two but she'll bring it upagain and it'll be even more akward.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

the way i see it is you have no chance with the cousin (girl b). Why? because if she gets wind that her cousin (girl a) likes you than she wont be with you
because she (girl b) wouldn't do that to her cousin (girl a). so IMO your best bet is to see where it goes with girl a.

completely agree

stick with the friend, the cousin is hotter but she will eventually get word that your friend (her cousin) likes you
smh @ everyone saying smash both, yea its easy to type but Im sure the situation he's in is pretty rough

smashing both wont be easy and will not be done
both are really cute

if ur feeling the cousin instead of ur friend... then go wit that

if ur friend is truly ur friend, then she'll understand

worse case scenario... u get neither
give your friend the "i like you too much as a friend and would like our friendship to last forever" speech and then get wit her cousin
she is
I say wait it out, see what happens, nature will take it's course.

However, you are gambling.

Say you deny your friend for the cousin. There's a chance that you will not get either. You lose a friend + no girl.

The better case scenario is:

You go for the friend, and it doesn't work out. There's still a chance you can get with the cousin later. You lose a friend + 1 (maybe 2) girl.
had this situation... they weren't twins... I ain't gonna say trust me or anything but... IMO
Date the friend who wants you. You might fall and you got a great foundation no mo. If that doesn't work out then you tried and you can retain a friendshipand then maybe try the other one out. But def try the friend first.
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