My grandma passed away one hour ago.

I miss my grandparents every day. Stay strong, memories will never fade. I'm sorry for your loss
rip my bad grandmas are getting up there and I just try to prepare myself for that phone call---

Eh brother, my condolences...may your fam find peace in this loss

I lost my pops last month and it still feels unreal, I miss that man with all my heart but I justtry to think of all the good times we had and the lessons he taught me.

Stay up man, be there for your parents
I'm sorry to hear that man. R.I.P. to your grandma. Stay strong and keep your head up.
Rest in Paradise.
Just sit back and reminesce. that's what i always do.
shoot man, my grandma always made the best bologne sandwiches. i loved those. shed even make em when we got older. wed each eat liek 3-4 lolll.... took thecrust off n everything. even cut it into square....
yeah, my bad kinda went off on a tangent. but just realized she lived a long life. don't dwell on the loss. reflect on the time you two did havetogether...
i cant say i understand how it feels my dude.., but i feel for you..just know that shes out of a place were she has to worry about ANYTHING.ITS ALL GRAVY WHERESHES AT NOW MY MAN...
Don't get bent outta shape--she's in a better place now; a place significantly better than the space you and I still occupy...

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